Does daily medication help migraines

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I have suffered for years with regular headaches, the doctors never really managed to help, but at last I have been told that I need to take daily tablets to try to prevent them. I also have bad sinus problems so cant take the usual medications.

Has anyone had success with using the daily medication to prevent there headaches or do they just make you feel sleepy and lethargic.

Interested on your thoughts

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Andy,

    I have had very bad heads for about 3 years took everything and a nurse told me yesterday to try common asprin which I did yesterday and this morning and believe it or not fingers crossed dare speak to soon.But I have to be fair have dystonia of the neck where I think some f it stems from,have you ever had test on your neck or spine oesteopath told me it can come from the top of the spine.

    Take Care


  • Posted

    Thanks Joan, I will mention that to my doctor as I have suffered with back problems for many years and could be contributing. Good luck with the Asprin, let me know how you get on after a few weeks.

  • Posted


    I will keep you informed, yes I have a back problem . But the oesteopath always sorts me out.


  • Posted

    Actually there are a lots of reason responsible for headache. Some has allergic reactions, some has bright light, loud noises, perfumes, some has physical and emotional stress, some has irregular sleep. First you have to identify particularly when you are feeling headache. I personally suggested not to take daily basis medications for headache.

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