Does exercise help??

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Hi ladies. I started the gym a few months ago to try he myself mind and body but feel iv put weight on?? Has anyone had this experience. I'm also hungry all the time I'm craving sugar fixes. I'm really trying to be healthy but it's so hard😭😭

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    That should be heal myself!! ☺
  • Posted

    Excercise will def help you. You will feel hungry if your doing more........look at Joel wicks book lean in fifteen. Good food which is easy and quick to do. It's about £8.50p to buy.

    if your hungry just eat good food with the accasional treat

    I gym it and it does my body and head the world of good. It's time I use for me for my well being that's how I look at it. Plus it's a laugh.

    good luck

    Good luck

  • Posted

    You are gaining weight because as you excercise fat is turning into muscle which is very healthy.   Muscle weighs more than fat so this is why you are gaining weight.     Swimming or running can help take the pounds off.   Hope this helps. 
  • Posted

    Yep. I think your probably just building muscle though, not fat. I'm craving sweets a lot too. Never used to be a sweet eater, but now it's a bit out of control.
    • Posted

      Thank u for replying ladies! ! It's not even that I'm weighing heavier I look and feel heavier ie inches!!' Lol. My shapw has totsllt changed!!

      My sweet tooth is wild!! My mouth is actually watering at thought of chocolate and sweets. But I really do hv to self dicipline myself cos if I start I just keep going and wS never like that!! 😢😢😢 xx

  • Posted

    Right there with you!  Having exactly the same experience as perimenopause has taken hold and it's hard not to give in to those cravings!  Getting some exercise does help me feel like I've got some control over the situation, doing something positive for my body and mind... hope it is helping you as well. 
  • Posted

    Yes, I have heard that if you do too much if will have the opposite effect of losing weight. The trick is trying to figure out what is enough but not too much! Yep, another wonderful mystery to try and solve!😝
    • Posted

      😢😢😢 thank you for all your comments ladies! ! At least wen I rant on here im listened to. My other half and women I work with (not yet peri or meno) just laugh at me and tell me it's all in my head! !😣😣 xx
    • Posted

      I know what you mean! Everyone I have talked to has had a hysterectomy so they can't help me during this transition because they all say they had no problems since. I do remember once upon a time, Dr's heavily recommended a hysterectomy at the drop of any discomfort in women. I was even offered that. So, these boards do help!

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