Does Hormone Replacement Therapy Offer Relief From Sjogren's Syndrome Symptoms
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I would love to hear from anyone who has experienced relief of any of their Sjogren's Syndrome symptoms through Hormone Replacement Therapy, especially Bio-Identical HRT. In sharing, please be specific as to what type of BHRT or HRT you are taking and which symptoms improved or worsened. I can't help but feel like it may offer me some relief, as every symptom I have, constant fatigue and weakness, brain fog and memory problems, hair loss, trouble sleeping, severe dry eye, left stabbing eye pain, constant thirst, vaginal dryness and atrophy, freezing hands and feet, pain with sex, headaches, lowered immune function, constant runny or stuffy nose, and joint pain all became a problem after I had been approximately 1 year without a period. Thanks for sharing.
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brenda25965 mariakb423
Hi Mariakb 423,
I have all the symptoms + that you describe and I was on estrogen only bio identical HRT in a weekly patch for about 8 years, the only Sjogrens symptom it eliminated was dry vagina which in its self was a huge relief. where as your menopause may have been the trigger for your Sjogrens it's not the cause, most Auto Immune conditions lay dormant until they are triggered . Keep asking questions, Get your GP to refer you to a specialist, if he cant help you dont stop till you find someone who can, never give up.
kbapril23 brenda25965
Do you have the severe fatigue? If so, what do you take or do for that. I think that is the worst part. Thanks
sally86809 mariakb423
Maria, I am a much older woman, but have osteoarthritis and polymyalgia. The only symptoms I do not have is cold feet. I use eye drops, three different kinds, add olive and avocado oil to almost all my food, eat organically as much as possible, and keep in good contact with my GP. I am also an awful sleeper. Always have been, but worse now. I'm on meds like Trazodone and Emtec and also make an herbal tea full of sleep aids. Some nights I sleep for 2-3 hours; others up to 7. The constant tiredness is an unwanted companion. I use Maca and other herbals in the morning, plus Vit. B-12, 5000 mcg. My GP has been very supportive. Not sure if HRT would help you, but even eliminating vaginal dryness wold be a blessing.
kbapril23 sally86809
Thank you for the recommendations. I will give them a try.
Felis mariakb423
I suffer from all your symptoms too! since i was about 55. IM 68 now and in good health except for SKOGRENS. MY blood tests came back negative and im reluctant to have the lip biopsy done. i was on HRT for a fee years but
my gynaecologist took me off it as too long on it increase risk of breast cancer.
MY sution for vaginal dryness is using ovestin cream . FIRSTLY use it every night for two weeks then twice weekly. The trick is to apply with the applicator and then of course with washed hands apply more cream to your index finger and give it a good massage in both lower and upper part of vagina. THEN use normal lubrication for intercourse. THIS has resolved this issue really well for me no more pain!
NOW eyes this is another matter! I USE hylo forte drops which are moisturing and useful then an eye gel at night. IM also using RESSTASIS drops which my Opthomologist prescribed. These drops work on the salivary glands and suppress the immune system which is what is preventing your salivary glands working properly. Ive only been on these a couple of months so havent received any benefit yet hope to in due course.
THE dry mouth is the worst! My nasal passages tend to block and im a mouth breather so wake up in the middle of the night parched! I have bought special gum which helps and use a mouth wash as well as mouth gel but nothing stops the night time dry mouth.
Im seeing an ENT SPECIALIST but cant get in until JANUARY!
im also seeing a rheumatologist soon and next month SYDNEYS top eye specialist.
IVE just started on supplements called hydro eyes from AMERICA bought on AMAZON and they have great reviews but only been on them a few days.
kbapril23 mariakb423
Thanks for all the recommendations. I have ordered the eye drops and supplements you recommended. Might I ask you if you also have the crushing fatigue, every day? If so, what do you do for that? Is there anything to take that will help with it? thanks
Felis mariakb423
not too bad with the fatigue but allow myself a brief nap for an hour if i have a bad day.
elaine96876 mariakb423
i just read your message and it just describes where I am at the minute, i have all those symptoms but brain fog is worse recently. I'm 47 years old and have had sjogrens for 15 years. I am now perimenopausal and wondering if HRT might help. Every part of me that was already dry is drier! I function like a zombie most of the time which i think i just have become used to. Any advice or hearing how you got on would be much appreciated. thank you
jennifer33058 elaine96876
Are you taking Hydroxychloroquine? that has helped tremendously with my fatigue.