Does HRT help with all the horrible symptoms of menopause?
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Thanks all for your reply. I'm happy to know that I'm not suffering in silence & I'm not alone. I really need the support. Menopause sucks! I've spent so much money on seeing doctors & doing all kinds of tests in the past 3 years. Well, the good news is all turned out normal except for high cholesterol. Is anyone on HRT and does it help? My gynae actually suggested HRT but I'm resistent aftering hearing all the risks. I don't want to solve one problem and end up with another. Can anyone share their experience of HRT? I might just go for it if I get to the desperate stage where I really can't function as a normal person. My work & social life has been so badly impacted.
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Ella23ps Irene1210
Oh what a mess they have created in the world of hormones. Should you or should you not that is the ? and everyone has an opinion. Doctors have no clue and can be no help at all. It is different for every women and no two women are alike. I will say this you need hormones to live and that is a fact. How much you have stored in your fat cells to carry you over to the ripe old age of 80 is the question. How fast you are loosing them and how healthy you are also goes into the equation. How healthy your glands will also depend on a lot. Will they be able to pick up the slack and produce enough estrogen and progesterone for you to live comfortably or will they shut down and start causing their on set of problems like hypo or hyper thyroid, adrenaline fatigue, etc. Without hormones you die as they decrease you age and your body, mind and spirit will definitely feel it. It can become a NIGHTMARE for a lot of women. So to answer your question YES they can help but it takes time to fine the right ones and the right combination for YOU because everyone is different and what works for one person might not work for another.
lisa95354 Ella23ps
Amen Ella... You are right about that, there has been a real mess made of hormones. A never ending merri go round š XO
Lkl2019 Irene1210
I'm on BHRT - I have felt so bad & my symptoms have been so debilitating that I would try anything. It's month 3 and while some symptoms have improved, I still feel nothing like myself anymore & struggle daily trying to grasp what all is happening to my body. I'm only 41 but have been experiencing symptoms since my late 30's. Everyone is different so it works for some & not for others.
Guest Irene1210
Hi Irene,
I'm happy to share my experience. I am 53 and started peri menopause (with real debilitating symptoms) at 47. I went fully menopausal around 49.
I just started this year on bio hrt. I use a bi-est which is a cream that I apply nightly that is a combination of estriol and estradiol. Estriol is the gentler more protective form of estrogen and the ratio is 80/20 in the cream. I take a very low dose .15 mg. However, even at that low dose it has helped with my symptoms. Since I still have my uterus I also take a progesterone capsule at night. That dosage is 75 mg.
My hot flashes are better. I will have an occasional one during the day if I am in a very stuffy hot place. I still do get one or two a night but I don't have the night sweats any longer where I literally had sweat dripping behind my neck or between my boobs. My anxiety is better - not gone but better. Sex wise it's as if I'm 25 again in terms of lubrication and comfort. I'd like to say it's helped my libido but it hasn't. I still don't have much desire but that is a combination of meno and general relationships issues with my husband.
It has also helped with my migraines. I used to get them every 7-10 days and now they are more spaced apart. I typically get one every 14-20 days.
I tried to increase my bi-est dosage by applying it twice a day. I noticed a wonderful improvement in my mood and general sense of well being BUT my Gerd increased horribly and I knew it was the increase so I had to back it down again to just once a day and my Gerd got better.
I wrestled with starting hormone therapy but in the end after much researched decided it was the right thing to do for me. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in my lower spine and osteopenia in my hip 4 years ago. The endocrinologist that I see is a proponent of hormone therapy as estrogen does protect from bone loss so that is one of the major reasons I did begin it.
Hope this helps! š
BTW- I love your name! It was my grandmother's name and I hardly ever hear it or see it anymore. It's lovely.
jude84900 Guest
Hi Kim,
Does your hormone replacement include testosterone? If it doesn't it will help your libido come back to life. I was on the same bi-est creams as you consisting of estriol and estrodial along with the progesterone creams and then pills but I had the testosterone cream as well. Its hard to get your testosterone levels up where they need to be through creams I found out. Took me three years of slowly increasing and it just wasn't getting up for me although I can say it still helped my libido from where it was at. Now that I am on pellets that include testosterone it has helped get that testosterone number up for me as well. Its not just for libido its good for overall mood, muscle and many other health benefits. Just something to consider if your not already using testosterone cream.
Irene1210 Guest
Hi Kim,
Thanks for sharing your experience & liking my name. I might just give HRT a shot if all other alternatives fail. My last try will be a supplement made of black cohash & fermented soy. I heard some menopausal women benefited from it. The constant dizziness, migraines, body ache, internal tremors & anxiety are killing. I'm not happy at all. Your advice has given me some hope. Thanks again & wishing you all the best!
jude84900 Irene1210
Hi Irene,
If your on the right hormone treatment, bio identicals with the right doctor that knows what their doing and runs labs your risk is minimal. I started with bio identical creams and now on pellet therapy for estrogen and testosterone. I started hormones within 5 months of ending my periods. That was 4 years ago and plan to stay on them the rest of my life. There are many benefits to keeping your hormones up. When we were our healthiest we had plenty of hormones working in our favor. I can't say it enough how very important it is to find the right doctor. My general doc was not on board for hormone replacement nor knew much about it when I switched to a holistic doc. Keep in mind if you choose to go this route that many medical doctors that practiced general medicine have given up their practices to go into alternative and holistic medicine. They are generally very knowledgeable and up to date with hormone issues in both women and men. Good Luck.
mrs_susan74280 jude84900
HI how old are you
jude84900 mrs_susan74280
Hi mrs susan,
I am 59.
shylee Irene1210
hi Irene,
i have been on HRT for severe peri symptoms. it stopped the hot flushes from the pits of hell and the high uncontrollable anxiety. it also stopped the severe bladder issue peri was causing me. so for me it has helped and the risk was worth it as i couldn't live the way i was.
i do hope you find some relief