Does HRT help with moods

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Suffering with anxiety and low mood. I'm 42, been told I'm menopausal. Still having irregular periods. Gp put me on Citalopram which has helped but wondering if HRT better.

I thinking I can cope with sweats, tiredness etc at the moment but want two know my option.

Anyone have a recent positive experience on moods with HRT?

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    I've just started my hrt with evorel patches so it's too early for me to say if it's working on my moods , I hope it will. X

    • Posted

      Good luck.

      Please can you let me know how you get on. 😀

  • Posted

    I had very bad anxiety, nervous, unable to sleep because of it. I am 54. I started on an estrogen gel 2 weeks ago. It helped my anxiety so much. And my muscles aren't aching, my hair is softer.

    • Posted

      Hi. Did you get those symptoms from HRT or did you have them prior to starting?

      Does you just take estrogen or progesterone aswell? 😀

  • Posted

    My gynae told me well also 1st do the anti depressant route before hrt and I'm 49 says hrt fm about 51 depending on my blood works my daughter was on cilift for a year for migtaines very good but pls when you stop do it very slow a 1/4 drop every 2 weeks that way no withdraw symptoms..... stay on it if you feel better....

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    The oestrogen is good for moods the progesterone can be bad
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      So what do you do if you have to take both?

      If I start HRT, I will have to take the combined as I still have my womb. That's my understanding anyway?

    • Posted

      Yes, unfortunatley we have to take the Progesterone to stop us from getting cancer.   I am waiting to have the Mirena Coil fitted as this gives off Progesterone and it goes directly to where it's needed, cutting down on the side effects.

    • Posted

      So are you coming off HRT and changing to the coil?

      I've heard alot of women say the coil is good. Why is it not a first choice? My doctor hasn't even suggested it. My sister had the coil fitted and went through the menopause without even knowing.

    • Posted

      You must need Oestrogen, I will still be taking the Oestrogen just stopping the Progesterone as I will get it from the coil.  HRT is usually made up of the 2.  Wow, your sister is very lucky  that she didn't need to take Oestrogen,

  • Posted

    Suffered terrible mood swings from crying to anger and extreme irritability. Was affected my whole life. Have been on bio identicals for 8 weeks and feel almost normal again. Wasn't instant fix and I had bloods done at 6 weeks and my bios needed to he adjusted sightly but now my moods are pretty much stable. I take a troche each morning with a combination of estrogen progesterone and testosterone.

    Cheers Rosemary

    • Posted

      Great posting Azzumi. I too have been on Bio Identical Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone for a year and half. I feel great! I started within 5 months of my periods ending. I do the compounded creams. No more hot flushes, nights sweats, vaginal dryness, emotional swings, etc. Nice to see someone else that has had success with using Bio Identical HRT.
    • Posted

      So good to hear you're doing so good on the bios. Great to hear from someone else on something similar to me. First month was interesting to say the least as I adjusted to them but 8 weeks on I feel like they saved my life. Its the balance between all hormones that needs to be right that's why the bios if done correctly are so effective. I'm only 47 and my bloods 2 weeks ago showed in post meno now so its all been quite a shock. Now I feel pretty much symptom free, even the craziness going on in my head has gone so if he doesn't mind I'll be giving my doctor a big hug when I see him in a few months. He's a genius.

      Be great to hear how things go in the future for you.

      Take care...Rosemary

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