Does HRT really help? If so, what positives have you experienced? I am feeling so weak and tired.
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I have been extremely weak and tired for over a year. I had to quit my job, am basically house bound. I am close friends with my couch. I am so miserable. Please share your experiences with me about HRT.
I am getting my levels checked this week. Will HRT help me?
Thanks ladies!
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samantha_12886 dee28383
Hi . So sorry your feeling unwell. I too went through hell. I had every symptom going that prevented me from going out any Were becoming so reliant on friends & family . My gp put me on HRT and I'm starting to see the benefits I have more energy , taking less naps throughout the day . My negative thoughts are getting less and most days I feel ok. Not 100% but compared to how i did feel I'm defiantly feel i g more like me rather than this shadow .
Sending hugs
maria76995 dee28383
Hi dee, I tried HRT only for 3 weeks because I couldn't stand myself then it brought my periods back and I'm not having that after they have stop and I couldn't stand the thought that I might get cancer then regret it so I stop it..but don't let me scare you if you have to try if you have too do so everybody is different and some people been on t for years like my friend sister, I hope it helps you.
wendy12420 dee28383
Good luck
Guest dee28383
I feel very much like you do. It's been a really difficult 4 years for me. I won't bother to bore you with all of my symptoms but suffice it to say it is a long list.
I tried the Minivelle patch (lowest dose) and after only 1 week took it off because it made my nipples and breasts so sore. It also made bloat quite a bit. On the positive side, within just 2 days of having it on, I was definitely less achy and my energy level did increase.
I tend to be quite sensitive to a lot - caffeine, alcohol, etc so it didn't surprise me that it affected me the way it did.
I am going back to my ob/gyn this week for my annual and am going to ask if I can literally cut the patch in half and try that dosage.
I have hear wonderful success stories of HRT changing the lives (for the better) of many women.
I truly appreciate everyone who is sharing thier experiences. It is literally making me feel very warm inside. You are all hero's.
The tremendous burdens if this stage of life for many, is shocking.
Thanks so much for giving me more insight!
The more I hear..the more I feel like I am not alone or going crazy.
Big hugs to you all!!??
Lillyrose1 dee28383
Hello again everyone! I finally had all my test done..whew!
No news from my, since it's been over a week, I am safe to say nothing bad showed up. Thank goodness!
Saw my new menopause doctor. She was great! She prescribed me a low dose estrogen patch, 100mg progesterone, and a low dose antidepressant. We will see how things go from here,but, I am feeling optimistic!
She said that women who go through early menopause ( I was 45 ), definitely lack estrogen. The progesterone is to balance everything out further. The antidepressant s for my big mood swings and sadness I have from the whole year and a half of hell I went through.
She is also linking the more severe pms/menopause symptoms with women who have had traumatic childhoods. Which I definitely had!!! So, she recommended a therapist for me to see to help me deal with all that from this stage of my life. She recommended a book for me to read called. "The Body Keeps the Score" by author Bessel Van Der Kolk. I picked it up last night.
I had blood work done yesterday to check all hormones and some mineral levels. Will have results next week. I am also going to have a bone density test done. My regular doctor never once helped me with any of this..I started getting very irregular periods when I was 39..she would just say..why is that happening? I didn't she sent me in my way. Looking back, I should have been more concerned.
Please be assertive for your health!!
Our voices must be heard.
So, that's it so far. Will keep you guys updated over the next while as to how things progress...have a great weekend! Xo
vicky77852 dee28383
Hi! You are not alone! I feel exactly the same! I'm 42 years old and on hrt. The quality of life is my priority and I am grateful for hrt. I was desperate because of my severe symptoms, my life was a hell. I feel better now! Take care!