Does it ever end?
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Hello all you lovely ladies!
It's been a while since I complained lol..
I'm so over this stage of life! I have no idea where I'm at in the process bc of having a hysto in 2001, but I kept my ovaries. So no missed or wonky periods to go by. I've been dealing with hot flashes for several years, diagnosed with VA almost 2 yrs ago, anxiety off the charts, thinning hair, brain fog, dizziness, digestive issues, aches in places I didn't think I had, insomnia, moodiness and the list goes on. But tonight I was inspecting my chicken neck and turned my head just right and realized my harmless peach fuzz on the side of my face was turning into a beard!!!!!! What the hell??? I can deal with most of this stuff, but if I didn't already feel like an old hag at 51, I do now!! I know this sounds petty but I cannot deal with looking like I'm turning into a man! I broke out the wax kit and got it off.. seriously when does this ride stop, I want off!!!
I ordered one of those electric lady shavers you see on TV lol. Had anyone tried one and if so does it work well? I don't want to actually start shaving it or keep waxing it. I read not to pluck (it would take forever) because you can get infected follicles if it's a large amount instead of a stray hair. Any other suggestions that don't cost a fortune is more than welcome..
Sorry for the whiny post, something so silly shouldn't bother me but it's really got me down in the dumps..
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Gwenn1120 Gigi368
If it's any consolation, I've had to start plucking my chin for about six coarse black hairs.
If I sprout more, I'll be able to sport a goatee! lol
I would be just happy if the tingling, twitching, burning sensations, dizziness and the host of other crapola symptoms (along with hypochondria!) would disappear. Over it all!!
Gigi368 Gwenn1120
My mom and grandma had chin hair so I figured I'd have to deal with that, but nope... so far chin and lip area are still smooth. I've always had that peach fuzz in the sideburns area but it was very thin and I'm a natural blond so it was very hard to see.. apparently I haven't been paying much attention because it was extremely noticeable! I could have probably combed it! I'm a tad ticked off no one told me lol..
I'm with you though, I'm ready for all this crap to end!!
Lkl2019 Gwenn1120
I've had a beard since mid 30s. I just shave it like everything else. To me, it's an annoyance. It's the debilitating and life altering stuff that gets to me 😦
pamela2016 Gigi368
through the years mine has went from a few hairs to i have to use my little shaver too many to pluck, its disgusting and embarrassing.
Gigi368 pamela2016
The peach fuzz has been there my whole life, sparse and very light, but what I saw last night was shocking! It was so thick and long! I couldn't believe I didn't see it before! And its strange bc one side is still normal but the other side I think I could have braided! So that was the side I attacked lol. I was hoping I'd escape the facial hair bc my mom and grandma both shaved, I guess I didn't.
Kazjo Gigi368
Hi Gigi,
I found that around 52 (I'm 55 now) I saw more and longer peach fuzz on my face. I use a regular "ladies face" razor, single blades on a handle (buy online or at Target, Marshalls, etc you can get them really cheap) and just gently go over my clean, dry face every so often. It's called dermaplaning and it's very simple. In fact, it makes skin glow due to removing the hair and dead skin. Just be very careful using small, gentle downward strokes. If you find you can't do it yourself, head to a reputable day or med spa and have it done. It's another crappy side effect of menopause, but completely manageable. Just as a side comment, I started on bio identicals almost 2 months ago and my life is pretty much back to normal. I also started about 2 weeks ago on collagen 1&3 powder supplement (take with Vitamin C for better absorption) and hope that will help with my weak nails and thinner hair. Try dermaplaning and just look at it as part of a new skin care routine. Hugs, Kazjo
Gigi368 Kazjo
I just looked up that method! If this electric shaver thing doesn't work to my liking I'm going to try that!
I can't do oral hormones because of my history with fibroids and family history of breast cancer. I use estrace cream for the atrophy but very little if any is absorbed into the blood stream, so I'm dealing with the symptoms as the show up and not very gracefully lol.. as far as the thinning hair issue I use a salon shampoo and conditioner with caffeine in it and it plumps up the strands so it looks fuller.. I have to take 2000IU a day of vit d3 with my heart meds and my nails are stronger than ever, not sure if the d3 is doing it or not but they grow like mad.
Thanks for the suggestion!
kelly55079 Gigi368
Yeah I want off too.. The thinning hair is what brings me down.. For years my son would tell me if he saw something poke thru my chin and at times he would pluck it!! ha ha Well, I too bought one of those chin shavers off the TV-- so far so good.. And I just also ordered one of those magnified mirrors too. My others have broke over the years but this one seems to be handy-- it locks onto my bathroom mirror (eye level) so I can put it away after I'm done.
Gigi368 kelly55079
I think I'll stay away from magnified mirrors lol.. I already have chicken neck starting, i guess from gaining and losing weight, it comes and goes when it feels like it even though I have ate the same my whole life. Until we hit menopause, at least for me, I didn't realize how much hormones played a role in everything. I lost my mom in May and before that she had Alzheimer's so I don't have anyone to talk to about this stuff. She was put into surgical meno when I was a kid so I don't remember a lot of it or she breezed thru or suffered in silence. I just want all of this to go away!
At least your son pointed it out lol.. No one told me and I know darn well it was noticeable! I rarely wear makeup and usually wash my face in the shower and just moisturize when I get out, I don't look in the mirror much. my skin is pretty clear, until now.. now I'm going to he obsessed! lol
Keljo48 Gigi368
I can so relate. I am 51 and feel like an old hag in pain and I can sport half a mustache and a good goatee if I let them grow. I used to have to have just one or two wild hairs on my chin, now I semi joke I could grow a better goatee than my husband. I forever am feeling my chin for sprouts. I have a small pencil like"shaver" that I get rid of the heavy peach fuzz ever so often. But the dark hairs I have to pull. If you have a bunch there is facial hair bleaching. I would recommend going to have it done professionally, though.