Does it ever get better ?
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Just want some hope for the future from someone who's been there please. In surgical meno will be three years in October, im not complaining about the necessary surgery that put me where I am today just need to know it will get better and when ? All these symptoms are so so monotonous and never ending and I have to say the worst is the health anxiety, every day I think there's something else hideously wrong with me, the exhausting constant fatigue and worry day in day out is so draining and tiring. Is there a time limit roughly on this as to when I might feel better or is this it ?
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wen_54374 Fairy28
Fairy28 wen_54374
wen_54374 Fairy28
Fairy28 wen_54374
dawn1967 Fairy28
Fairy28 dawn1967
Chuckj Fairy28
I am sorry that both of you have suffered some traumatic events in your life in the past that is still affecting you now. I appreciate that the menopause is adding to the distress both physically and mentally.
Have you thought of pursuing some wwellbeing support from NHS talking therapies. There is support out there offering cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness training. I know this form of guided self help can help you deal with triggers that cause anxiety, depression and low mood. Enquire at your GP surgery for contact details, or you can self refer if you can find your local service. I hope this helps.
dawn1967 Chuckj
dawn1967 Fairy28
Fairy28 Chuckj
patricia16507 Fairy28
Fairy28 patricia16507
Chuckj Fairy28
There is light at the end of the tunnel. I am currently going through menopause, and every day there does seem to be another worry or niggle. However, the best thing to do is deal with one thing at a time.Always keep a notebook by your bed, so if you are woken up with a worry, write it down and it amazing how relieving this simple act is.
Every day deal with one or two things, then cross it off your list.
Take time concentrating on a hobby or just doing something you enjoy. In my case I have taken up gardening, not in a big way, but I am growing plants and flowers in sections if my front garden. And to see the plants and flowers grow and bloom is such a good feeling. I spend small amounts of time in the garden, and Tha takes my mind off most other things.
Also, tweaking your diet helps. I have reduced the amount if white carbs I eat, such as white bread, rice and pasta. I eat porridge with fresh ir tinned fruit in the morning, have a healthy ham, tuna or chicken salad with yoghut as pudding for lunch at work and a healthy evening meal with the family sitting at the table.
It is good time to go out with your girlfriends for a chat and catch up over coffee or lunch, as it is good to talk. Or even just catch up over the phone. It is tempting to become introverted, but it is so worth pushing yourself to do things. One thing accomplished each day feels so good.
I am told by a colleague at work that it does eventually get better, and the fog eventually lifts, and I am looking forward to that time. But in the meantime, I am going to continue with the above techniques. I wish you well.
Fairy28 Chuckj