Does it sound like a Neurodegenerative disorder?
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Hello everyone. I am a 19 year old white woman from Eastern Europe. I've recently been feeling slight tingling on my tongue that goes away. Also, l've been feeling tingling on my feet and on my toe. The tingling is not the same tingling that happens often. It's not pins and needles. It seems to be very subtle and lasts a little longer sometimes. It's does not hurt. Sometimes I don't even notice it. Sometimes it feels like a lot of mini twitches that happen very fast all at once (this happens in my calf the most). Did not happen often until recently. I've started having it on my calf, then twice on my fourth toe. The toe one lasted a little longer. It felt weird. One time, my foot tingled and felt very hot at the same time. Sometimes, when I change position when seated, the tingling gets better and stops. Additionally, I have been twitching for 2 months now and it gets better when I'm rested and stress-free. I went to a physiotherapist who tested my balance, my perception and looked at my feet. My perception is perfect (so my peripheral nerves work), my balance is good. I can walk on my heels and toes. I can stay on my toes with one leg. I've had hammertoes since my entire life, but he said that they're good. I also have one foot wich has a LOWER sole. When I fix my sole by putting something under, my tendon goes back to straight. My legs have been doing a c curve since forever.
I've done plenty of sports and never had problems with my feet. I run fast. I recently tried to check the strength of my knees by doing single leg squats and it was difficult.
Now, since two days, my thighs hurt and shake when I contract them too much. No parent of mine has had any neurodegenerative disorders. I used to have scoliosis so I took a echocardiogram to check for Marfan syndrome. I am negative, she did not notice anything else. It also happened that I got twitches on my tongue. It's rare but it happens. I at times, very rarely have little "flashes" of pain and cold that last a second on my feet and body. The twitching I have came suddenly and is all over my body.
I've always been healthy, but this year l've gotten many cystitis and many colds. I have asthma that sometimes gives me shortness of breath. Rarely. My knees sometimes give out. I don't fall. My legs are not weak. I don't have weakness. My physiotherapist tested the strength of my hands my fingers, my feet and toes and they're strong. At times I feel like my toes are cold. Cramps occur rarely. Sometimes in the calf, and sometimes under my foot. That area hurts a lot and i have to massage it in order for it to get better.
I went to a neurologist yesterday who checked me. All the physical tests she did were negative. I told her about my ring finger which, when I move it to one side, starts shaking. She told me to keep an eye on it. She also noticed that when I march on the same place, one leg goes higher. She didn't comment negatively about it though. She said that I don't have any peripheral neuropathy and I very very probably don't have ALS nor CMT. My sleep is also quite bad. I sleep very little. She said I could take and MRI, but it would be a waste of money.
I believe that the leg that goes lower (the left one) when I march is the one that I keep experiencing tingling on and my knee gives out there. My knee keeps giving out, but when I try to balance with that one leg and even bend it, it doesn't give out. That same leg also, when I try to shake it up and down, does not go as fast as the right one. (I'm right hand dominant by the way). In the past I struggled with iron deficiency and vitamin d deficiency and I have obsessive compulsive disorder which makes me beyond scared.
Do you think I have a neuro degenerative disorder?
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