Does massage have any effect on TKR pain?

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I was sitting next to someone at PT yesterday who had torn a shoulder muscle. She is a trained masseuse and had suggested a particular masseuse in the area who "really works well with scar tissue." Because she's a masseuse herself, she said, she knows legitimate massage therapy from bogus.

Three weeks exactly after surgery, pain and stiffness are still a challenge, so I thought I'd try the masseuse but wanted to check with group yo see if anyone had experience with this--whether massage might have long-term benefits and not just transitory relief.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I've tried massaging with bio-oil and it has seemed to have helped but of course I don't know if that is just progress that would have happened with time anyway. Always difficult to tell with no control to compare with.

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    Massage is good for all things buy some coconut oil and do it yourself I am six months out of simitionous bilateral TKR ( both done same day) and i have been doing this every day myself. Who knows more about where it hurts and how much pressure is good it's you ,plus the oil is so good at fading the scars. So massage away.

  • Posted

    My massage/pt therapist charges $A75 for 45 mins. She came to my home and demonstrated how to release scar tissue on my two knees. I believe it helped. Google for you tube demo. Massage does not beat cycling, hydrotherapy and knee specific exercise, imho. Good wishes to you.
  • Posted

    Sorry forgot to say that for pain massage did not assist. Pop a pain killer and apply some cold packs then rest, eat well ang work your way through the horrible experience that is tkr. I am at 5 months and there is a light to see!
  • Posted

    Hi there,

    I had a partial knee job done in Nov 2015. About 8 weeks before surgery I started with my sports in jury therapist with the view to massage and strengthening the knee before surgery so my knee was in as good a shape as possible before I went under the knife ! After surgery I returned to her for follow up treatment and this consisted of massaging the scar line with the aim of breaking up the scar tissue that was forming. she also worked on the knee itself and quads, anything and everything to return the knee to full strength. Best things I ever did, paid for out of my own pocket, back driving my car in 8 weeks, and back at work driving a bus in 11 weeks. Never looked back since.

    She used Aloe Vera 99.0% Gel to massage the scar line. I bought some myself and continued with it in between visits.

    My own view is if you don't loosen or keep loose the area around the scar line and tissue under it and around the knee you will have an uphill job getting your flexion and bends right.


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    I meant to have added in my last paragraph - obviously, the more trouble you have getting your flexion to 0 and bends up around 130 degree or greater the more pain you will get. Some PT's like to push you into PAIN to force things. I don't believe that - my PT at hospital and privately believed in going to the point that pain starts then back off. Then repeat.

    Would I do the massage thing again - absolutely !


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