Does Mirtazapine leave you tired?

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Hi everyone just new on here, i am on 15mg of mirtazapine about a year and while it great for sleep i dont feel it helps any other way, it leaves me feeling so groggy and unwell every morning for about two hours, like a lot of other people not a lot of people know about my depression, also have been attending mental health also for about a year and dont feel it has helped, any information and advice will be greatly appreciated, Many Thanks Colleen

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Groggyness and extreme fatigue are the most common side effects (along with weight gain). I suffered from extrem fatigue, even after stopping taking mirta.
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      Hi thanks for your reply, do you think it would be helpful to up dose i am on or come of it and try something else?
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    See your Dr Colleen only he knows enough about you to give that sort of advise .Tell him how you feel x
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      Agree with norma. I read that the higher the dosage, the less the fatigue side effect is (as a result to the antihistaminic effect) but me myself didnt want to up the dose and stopped completely with taking mirta.
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    Hi there, Colleen! I'm on Mirtazapine and tbh it had no effect on my depression until I hit the highest dose of 45mg. I am wondering why you've been on such a low dose for so long as 15mg doesn't sound high enough to me.

    I don't find it helps me sleep at all, but I still feel groggy in the mornings - partly because I am also taking Pregabalin for anxiety.

    I've had more therapy than you can shake a stick at and none of it was much help. I'm now waiting for another referral to have CAT, but I've found Mindfulness meditation to help more than anything. If you have a smartphone you can dowload an app called Headspace and try it out for free for a while to see how you get on. I did that, and then decided to subscribe for a year. Even though I've not been good recently at doing the meditations every day - and to be helpful, you need to do them daily really - it's still helped a lot. I intend to continue with it long enough for it to become a habit. Worth every penny and nothing at all like having psychotherapy which made me ten times worse!

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      Hi hedgecrone Just like to put something to you,at the moment I'm comeing off Mirtazapine after being on 45mg for4yrs,I wish now I had decided to come off it a lot earlier because it didn't help me at all,but there you go we always think Dr know best,instead of sometimes using our own judgement .But what intrigued me about your post was you mentioned Pregablin,and nobody seems to of heard of this including some Dr. I have also been on this drug 300mg a day for about 4yrs again,I intend to come off this drug as well when I've concerned Mirtazapine ,Have you ever tried comeing of Pregablin and if so how did that effect you.Sorry to drag on so long 
    • Posted

      Hi thank you so much for reply :-) I am not good with tablets it first time ever i have been on medication and took very long time to get used to the 15mg and was very wary of going on higher dose as they said with small frame i probably cant take medication!! I will download the app, will try anything at the minute, havent socialised in about 3 years, cause of anxiety also, hope you will feel bit better soon x
  • Posted

    Of its not helping I would seriously consider withdrawing - very slowly. There is no point staying on a drug that is not doing what it's supposed to. In-fact it is more dangerous to stay on it.

    Hope this helps.

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      thats what I did, even after a few months the drowsy/fatigue side effect remained so i quit.
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      Hi Sarah how are you? Yes i am seriously considering that as main reason why i stay on it is that helps me sleep and afraid of sleep pattern not been good again, even after a year i still would have odd woozy spell with the mirtazapine and this past two days have very weak turns but dont know if that because my iron low at minute as i am coeliac also :-)
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      I'm unfortunately messed up from a very bad place. I just don't see the point in staying on something which doesn't help - this is what I did and it's took me to a very bad place.
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      Awh Sarah are you taking any other medication? Are you getting any sort of help and support?
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    A few ppl here have mentioned still being tired / groggy, even after coming off Mirt....

    My question is... How long has this lasted? 


    • Posted

      Hi i have had tiredness/groggy since i started them last July!! Feel i am on a different planet at times, really dont know what to do at this stage!

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