Does No Hormones = No Femininity?

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I have never understood something. I am in perimenopause at the moment. After menopause when your ovaries stop producing hormones and your body is making a lot less than before do you feel better? I get scared of all of this because I think NO HORMONES = No Femininity.  Do you begin to gain back your libido or do you always lose it? Does your voice deepen?  What is it like when your hormones are all gone? How can your body stay feminine when there are no female hormones? Seriously, this frightens me. I've seen older women who look feminine but do they all take hormone replacement?

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6 Replies

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    I am now considered in true menopause and while I was dwindling down, there was a period I lost interest in sex. It's back (thank Heavens!) and no my voice didn't deepen. I feel and look as feminine as I always have.

    Please don't be scared. Also, I don't take honestly.......while our levels decline......we still have some estrogen and progesterone in our bodies, just not the higher levels we used to. Some women, and maybe for you too, find that using HRTs are beneficial. It's a personal choice and thankfully available in the chance that they may help you.


    • Posted

      I had my ovaries removed a few months ago but was starting to go into menopause. I do not take hrt, my voice hasn't deepened, i must admit i haven't much libido but it doesn't help becsuse my husband seems to have lost his! I still feel feminine and i hope to stay that way x
  • Posted

    Hi again HopeAgain.

    My libido started flagging in my mid to late 40s. Before that I was up for sex any time and most of the time.

    By 52 (a year after my periods stopped) not only flagging libido but I really didn't want to know. Vaginal dryness and zero interest. In fact it was horrible there was no enjoyment and sex went from being a chore to being something painful and annoying as I could no longer orgasm.

    I was hoping the same as you that it would all come back and be OK again. I kept saying it's menopause not menostop!

    I had a little bit of hot flushing. No night sweats. I just generally felt hot all the time. I really wanted to do it all naturally.

    Just really couldn't put up with the lack of libido. So I did a lot of reading and came upon Professor John Studd. He advises testosterone for lack of libido.

    My GP was not up for prescribing it off licence so I searched and searched until I found it in Australia. Australia is the only country who do a female testosterone. Luckily you can order it without a prescription. So I ordered some.

    The first few times I used it. My vagina had a strange sensation I think best described as the way a limb comes back to life after having pins and needles.

    Over the course of the next two weeks we got back to normal with our sex lives (at least once a day and twice on Sunday lol).

    But I was still suffering vaginal dryness so I went and asked my GP if she would prescribe the other items Professor Studd recommends. Oestrogel and Utrogestan which she was happy to do. After the first month vaginal dryness is back to normal.

    I did have a period on the progesterone (utrogestan). But that isa small price to pay for feeling like a woman again.

    It also helped a lot with my insomnia and some aches and pains and seems to be lifting my depression slowly.

    Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Yes and it's gone back close to that now with HRT. I find that I can get sore more easily now so not so many marathon sessions. But it's really made us both very happy!
  • Posted

    Hi, Hope Again. I hope I can put some of ur fears to rest. We don't just stop being women because we don't produce certain hormones any more. I went thru menopause a tad early via a hysterectomy I needed in order to stand straight without dire pain. It's been almost 15 years now. (I'm now 54) I must admit my fears weren't unlike ur own, but necessity wouldn't allow me to weigh those out. I don't feel any less of a woman than b4. That being said, my libido has NOT returned. I do smoke, so my doc wouldn't give me the HT I asked for. Idk if it's all worth it, anyway. That will have to come from someone else. As for me, tho, I'm still as happy as I can be. I'm a mom of 4 and a grandma of 2, I'm remarried for the past 4 years and life has never been better. It does take a little longer to... Get me 'started up' (to borrow a few words from good old Mick Jaggar. Lol) but life is sweeter now, as I've less to pain me any more. The cramps are gone, I can stand up straight no matter the day of the month and that alone is worth it all.

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