Does "normal" uterine thickness vary during the month?

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I went to the GYN today for an ultrasound and uterine biopsy. The Dr. found a polyp. I've had a polyp before; so while I'm not thrilled, I'm not terrified. There's a less than 1% chance the polyp will be a problem. I'm trying to treat it like the tonsils of the uterus.

He asked the tech what the thickness of the uterus was. And she said "9 cm." So he said, "let's do a biopsy."

That's what scared me.

The ultrasound showed I had normal ovarian cysts indicating I am ovulating or had just ovulated. (I'm 52!) But I haven't had a period in 40 days.

My question is, does the uterine thickness vary/increase the closer we get to menstruation? Would 9mm be a concern right after a period, but right before a period be about average? Dr. Google seems to indicate that can be the case.

I also read that a polyp can make the uterine lining read thicker than it is on the ultrasound.

The biopsy results will be back in 5 days. And I was just looking for some insight from you ladies as a way to de-escalate as I wait it out.

Love to all of you!

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I thought for sure I had cancer I thickening went from 4 to 12 they say because of a polyp and I had put some in a possible eating so that’s your question I’m not sure of all of them or if I’m right but from what I’ve been told yes it does change thickening with ovulation if I had to do it again I would not have the surgery I did have a hysteroscopy the biopsy came out negative good luck with all your decisions and trust your gut because these doctors just love to scare you and cut you open

  • Posted

    I thought for sure I had cancer I thickening went from 4 to 12 they say because of a polyp and I had put some in a possible eating so that’s your question I’m not sure of all of them or if I’m right but from what I’ve been told yes it does change thickening with ovulation if I had to do it again I would not have the surgery I did have a hysteroscopy the biopsy came out negative good luck with all your decisions and trust your gut because these doctors just love to scare you and cut you open

    • Posted

      Thanks so much for your reply, Dev! It is a relief to know that the polyp and the regular menstrual cycle can thicken the uterine lining. One of my closest friends had uterine cancer and I swear I have a primal fear that it's contagious and coming for me next. Absurd, I know. But that fear drives the health anxiety to desperate places.

      You articulated my fears perfectly. The doctors love to scare and cut. They see the uterus as having no value during/after peri/menopause. So why should we care if they cut it out?

      So glad your biopsy came back negative!

      Did you have a hysterectomy or just the polyp removed?

      Thanks again for your reply. I drove home from work sobbing because I am having a bad time holding myself together.

    • Posted

      i had a hysteroscopy so they coulld remove the polyp but not a hysterectomy.

      thr chances of having cancer of sontiny especially since size 8 is small and also polyps tiny chance of cancer but its always good to check. i know what u r going thri so no need for me to say dont worry just try to breathe and meditate . my blood pressure went thru thr roof with worry so please try not to!

  • Posted

    I wouldn't worry too much about a 9mm lining, Yes, endometrial thickness can vary from month to month. Usually anything over 12-14mm is cause for concern. At 48, i had 5 weeks of heavy bleeding. It stopped for seven days & on the 6th day, I had an ultrasound with a 22mm lining. Well i bled heavily for another month with clots. Ended up needing a blood transfusion. Biopsy came back normal. Went on progesterone & an ultrasound 3 months later showed a lining of 7mm. During perimenopause our hormones fluctuate that leads to irregular & heavy periods. A year later, my lining was 5-7mm & another normal biopsy.

    • Posted

      Hi Chickadeesgrl,

      Thank you so much!!!! I cried when I read your explanation. I have spent the whole day melting down google-diagnosing myself. My health anxiety is so easily triggered. I simply do not have the personal coping skills to wait on the process.

      It sounds like you really went through it with the bleeding and clots. I'm glad everything is back to normal now. And what you say makes sense. Uterine tissue is by nature dynamic when we are still in peri. So the thickness of the lining would change based on our wildly fluctuating hormones.

      You and Dev have been angels to me to day! My health anxiety was in overdrive--but thanks to you I can sleep tonight. I'm going to bookmark this page to try and keep myself grounded.

      Love to you and all you ladies!!!

    • Posted

      Well i was a mess 2 years ago...googling doesn't help. I'm 50 now & going through a whole bunch of issues that are hormone related. Every day, I swear something new comes up. Google the centre for menstrual cycles & ovulation research. CEMCOR .CA

      Based out of british columbia, it is a great site explaining our cycles by phases (perimenopause) & how to deal with heavy bleeding.

  • Posted

    hi maddy! im so sorry you are going through this. Keep is updated! ((hugs))

  • Posted

    Just to check in....the biopsy came back negative! So it looks like a simple polyp removal surgery in December. (He really hacked away at it--I could see on the TV monitor--so if anything was there he would have found it. 😃

    Thanks to all of you who held me together this week. I truly do not know what I would do without you ladies! I was so blessed when I came to find this forum.

    Love to all of you! XXOO

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