Does sitting makes things worse?

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Aged 71 and my biopsy result was 'chronic inflammation'.   I've noticed that things become worse - itchiness increases etc. - if I've been sitting for any length of time, usually in the evening, watching TV or reading.  I always use a spray of water and sometimes coconut oil after I've been to the loo.

I'm using Dermovate intermittently, when things worsen.  My GP said to use it when I was itchy, but I have no regime, and the obvious inflammation, principally at the back and inside the labia, has never cleared completely since I first saw my GP.   My appointment with a dermatologist is on Thursday - I've had to wait three months - so, perhaps I'll know more after this.  

Have others found that sitting for any length of time makes things worse?  Apart from jumping up every ten minutes, anyone got any advice?

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25 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Cheetah, I am 72 with LS. I watched Dr Goldstein A few weeks ago and since

    then I have used the steroids daily rubbing in for 90 seconds.It was useful to

    learn that LS causes skin thickening so the skin thinning that steroids can

    cause is good in the context of fusing.I just wish I had read it sooner as

    once I had the general discomfort sorted I just used the Clob once a week

    only smearing it on and the fusing just crept silently on. I now have major


    I have an appt. for a biopsy in a couple of weeks as I have an open sore

    on the inside the small remaining labia which is causing concern thought to

    be VIN.

    I would recommend increasing your steroid use and perhaps ditch the undies

    when you are sitting around. Good luck.Ann

    • Posted

      Hi Ann I too watch the video and it helped me to understand LS a lot better and I am doing as he says and it is really helping ,and using Emu oil  after going to the loo 
    • Posted

      Hi Ann.  This is a repeat of the post I put below, as I didn't post it as a reply to you.  Thanks for replying.  So sorry to hear that you have major fusing and now concern over the sore.  Thank you for telling me about the Dr Goldstein video and I'm going to watch it this afternoon.  I, too, have been using the Clob about once a week, as advised by my GP, now that the overall inflammation has cleared, but there are still two inflamed areas remaining that have never cleared.  The dermatologist I am seeing is a specialist in vulvar problems, so I hope she will advise me further, but I think it will be a case of increasing the steroid, as you said.  It will be good to speak to somebody who really knows about it, as, although my GP was lovely and very concerned - he did the biopsy - he's obviously not going to know as much as a specialist.  

      I do hope that your biopsy goes well and they are able to sort things out for you.  Thanks again and take care.

    • Posted

      Had my results for biopsy, they want to do further investigation, rang the hospital and asked for someone who could ring me with more details, which a nurse did, she said I had cin3 and they would remove the affected spot, she said it wasn't cancer , they are pre cancerous cells which they will take out, she said she would send me leaflets explaining, I received them this morning, but on the leaflet it said VIN, So I think I have LS and I've had it for sometime, I have patch on my vulva which never goes properly away.

    • Posted

      Hi Chinney it soundseems as if you and I have something similar. I have my biopsy in about 10 days, I was told that it was likely to be VIN which is a precancerous condition usually in older ladies which can be removed then followed up regularly. Not a nice prospect but I am trying not to worry, will try to take things as they come at least at 72 it is not the tragedy it would be for the much younger ladies. Goodles luck keep in touch.


    • Posted

      I hope it all goes well for you, Chinney.  The good thing is that they've caught everything early.  Went for my dermatology appointment this morning and the clinic had been cancelled!  To be fair, they had been trying to get hold of me, but we had left the house before they had phoned the landline.  I hope I don't have to wait for another three months!

    • Posted

      I hope the biopsy goes OK, Ann.  As you said, not a nice prospect, but it sounds as though things can be dealt with in a fairly straightforward way.  Best of luck.  Do let us know how you get on.
    • Posted

      Just wanted to add my best wishes (how stupid is it that there is no 'edit'wink and please let us know how things for for you.

    • Posted

      Hi Ann, thank you for your reply. I turned 60 this may. Please let me know how you get on, and I will do the same. Take care.


    • Posted

      Hi Ann, I get open sores, I've been told I have vin3, I'm waiting to get appointment to see a different consultant who will remove the pre cancerous cells, I'm just using hydromel ointment as I have been prescribed anything else yet. Take care.

    • Posted

      Good luck, I know it is a worry, but we can only go with the flow.

      We can be grateful it is precancerous rather than cancer, we have

      the chance to get it treated and hopefully keep it under control.

      I have read the info on the Patient website but am not ready to join

      a forum on that subject perhaps after treatment I might consider it.


    • Posted

      Hi Chinney,had my biopsy yesterday it wasn't as bad as I expected

      uncomfortable but not too bad. Only problem is that he didn't take

      From the labia where the sore is but from just inside the vagina. I am

      a bit worried in case he has tested the wrong area.

      When I asked if there was anything I needed to do to help healingI was

      just told "to keep it dry" how you are expected to manage that I can't

      imagine!!!Have you heard anything more yet? I go back for results in

      2 weeks.

    • Posted

      Hi Ann, got an appointment 29th June, I use to have a bath daily, the vulva specialist told me water aggravates it, she told me just to get a tiny amount of water and spray it once, which I do and I use still mineral water , I have a strip wash from head to toe daily careful not to splash any water down there, so far its working, I put hydromel ointment morning and evening very sparingly , I now don't wear any knickers, let me know how you get on, and I will do the same. Take care x

    • Posted

      Thanks Chinney, is your next move just a consultation?
    • Posted

      Hi Ann, after getting my results from biopsy which said further investigation needed, its to see consultant about having the precancerous cells removed. Take care x
    • Posted

      Hi Chinney, I have been worrying about how things are going for you.

      I am fine, had my biopsy which came back as 'congestion' but he had

      taken the biopsy from a different site to the place where the sore is.

    • Posted

      I lost my earlier post before I had finished. Seen the GP today. and

      am going to be using the strong steroid twice a day to see if that will

      make a difference, Due to see the gyni again next month. Hope

      things go a bit better then. It does seem that I have been lucky

      and not got the Vin. but am hoping that the new steroid works.

      It can't be normal to have an open sore for 7 months. I do hope

      that things are going ok for you.


    • Posted

      Hi, Ann, have been looking for you on this site, i am having the pre cancerous cells removed on monday 31/ july, i to have open sores, they didnt take my biopsy from the sores either, what is congestion ?. i am pleased with your outcome. he told me i had vin, which is not cancer thank god. are you in the uk. take care.

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