Does the symptoms still accure
Posted , 7 users are following.
Do you still get the symptoms even though going through menopause do you still get the symptoms of having a period
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Posted , 7 users are following.
Do you still get the symptoms even though going through menopause do you still get the symptoms of having a period
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Zigangie monique_93857
I did, when mine started missing here and there I was always expecting one because I had all the symptoms back ache full breasts etc.
I had them for about 18 months after my last period.
beth86610 monique_93857
elaine33371 monique_93857
Yes i still get the odd tenderness around boobs, and cramping pains, around the front and in my back, but without the period itself.
lennie45832 monique_93857
elaine33371 lennie45832
lennie45832 elaine33371
elaine33371 lennie45832
Posted poor bugger, its like your periods stopped first! and then you went into peri,and only a year ago, thats why your symptoms are so bad, because your in peri, well if your periods have stopped, how you gonna know when your post?? did you go through some sought of shock for your periods to stop when they did?? or, did you have an op of some sought??
lennie45832 elaine33371
monique_93857 lennie45832
elaine33371 lennie45832
Yes, i have fibroids, one has calcified so no problem now, one has shrunk, but the last one, became necrotic two years into peri, didnt need hystercetomy as it settled on its own thankfully, but it was being in peri which made it grow rapidly, as hormones are its food, so you get rapid growth during peri, then after decline fingers crossed, they shrink becausehormones are their food, and they now have no food supply, mine thankfully have, just depends on how much oestrogen you lose, another pain in the butt.
We all need to be drs dont we to keep up with whats going on, it affects so many systems, creating 100s of symptoms, my gp a complete waste of time, and shes a woman, cant wait until she goes on, then she might show a little bit of understanding then,.
lennie45832 elaine33371
Elaine, one wonders why so many in the medical community are ignorant regarding this, I am sure there are a few doctors who know but the ones I have gone to seemed a little clueless, to be honest. I feel that because I did not have the periods and the gradual decline, because my periods have been gone for a long time, it just hit, and man did it hit, I did not expect the joint pain and breast swelling, soreness, IU did not expect to have panic attacks, and to have intense anxiety and the emotional upheaval. I feel sad, angry, depressed, and frustrated at least 4-5 times a day. I will not go on the HRTs even if its gets miserable because I worry too much about cancer. I am overweight/obese and losing weight is like running uphill with one leg. That's another frustrating aspect to this, being diabetic is also another challenge and then add this to that, its overwhelming.
elaine33371 lennie45832
No i didnt expect things to be as debilitating as it can be, very hard to accept that hormones can do all this, and it does cause all those emotional feelings as well, maybe because they use to call it the change thats it, we change, because sometimes i dont feel me anymore, and i think its that that bothers me the most, and im determined not to let it win on that.
No i cant have the HRT, but if there was no cancer in the family, i would have seriously considered it in the early days, dont feel i need it now, but then you hear stories, that some women actually go worse on it, does put you off, so, perferred to stick with alternatives, and lifestyle changes, but, if anyone is really bad, hasnt cancer in the family, and just does it as a last resort, then dont suffer take it.
I also have a health problem, and yes it does make it more challenging, and the menopause has definately made that worse in me, so, then you have to put that right as well.
I think your right about how its happening to you as well, with not having the periods, then it hit hard, it has too ease lennie, i was exactly like that in the begining, and it lasted around 5/6 years, but where ive been lucky is, the debilitating sides, only happened during period change, which is why yours is different. makes me think thjough. because of how severe it is, and how long your having your flares, my hope is for you, you wont be on it as long, i sense thats how your thinking, so make sure you let us know, good luck.
misty36246 monique_93857
Zigangie misty36246
Not much about mine changed even after 2 years period free. If anything some of the symptoms that would come and go during peri came and stayed after they stopped.
elaine33371 Zigangie
Zigangie elaine33371
Then awful queasy feeling a day here and there in the 2006/7. Everything I looked at or cooked made me feel sick. For a few years I was eating only because you have to and didn't enjoy any of it often wishing I didn't have to.
This was also around the time I'd get a horrible taste and to begin with it was a few days here and there then worsening until I was going crazy with it. I'd always hated peppermints but at its worst I was getting through 2 to 3 packets of extra strong a day.
Then a lethargic feeling like I was coming down with the flu again on and off but became more often. I was tested for all sorts and was low b12. The injections made a little difference whilst I was having them, but as soon as my levels were normal they stopped giving me them.
I put the tiredness down to lack of quality sleep. I stopped exercising and at my worst I was pulling myself up the stairs using the banister. When I was hovering I'd do one room then have to sit and get over it before the next. I also started sitting down to peel veg etc.
The worst experience of this (crashing fatigue) was about a year after my periods stopped.
I went shopping with my husband and all I wanted to do was sit down and spent the whole time convincing him we needed another cuppa in cafes and walking around I was eyeing up the next bench so I could sit down.
2004 was my last period.
Things in hindsight had slightly improved going up stairs was easier and the bad taste although still present had gone from horrible nasty to a somewhat lemony taste and I was having to eat peppermint a lot less.
I had also gone back to eating and drinking a few things that I had given up because they made me feel sick.
So I could enjoy 2 or 3 coffees a day (I would have had maybe 6 before) and eggs I went several years without having one the smell of them made me feel sick like certain things when I was pregnant.
Feeling hot was occasional then became all the time I think worse after meno and anxiety was the same almost a permanent daily thing.
I had been convinced by doctors that it was all to do with my depression, I had tried loads of different Meds for it yet within a week of HRT it was lifting.
I was really worried about trying HRT even then I had to ask to be put on it. I wish I'd known about it and tried it earlier.
It has possible side effects (I did my research and asked for what seems to be the safest plant based HRT).
All the different Meds I've tried have had a scary list of side effects, I tried each one they offered but none did half of what the HRT achieved in the first few weeks.
My periods stopped at 52.
monique_93857 misty36246
elaine33371 Zigangie
Yes i had the crashing fatigue, its crippling isnt it, never felt anything like it, i went to the chronic fatigue clinic and they taught me pacing techniques, which you sound like your doing, stay off all caffine drinks though, only decaf coffee and tea dyuring flares, no what you mean about changing tastes, and certain foods making you feel sick, but wasnt a main symptom for me, but had it yes.
being in menopause, the hot flushes do get stronger, due to the decline in hormones, but should ease after another few years, cant say my anxiety levels have stayed up as they havent, but yes, HRT can be scary to go on, and just the relief must have been great for you to finally get that, i cant have it im afraid as there is cancer in the immediate family, caused by menopause, whether there is a safer one for me, i dont know!! glad things have got better for you since then.
Zigangie elaine33371
I did a lot of research was given horse urine HRT in the beginning which I threw straight in the bin. Plant based are suppose to be safer. I was looking at menopause matters site on Facebook the other day and read an article saying plant based are not thought to cause it.
Horse urine ones were the ones used in the trials that bought about the cancer scares.
The problem pharmaceutical companies have with plant based is that they cannot patent the actual products as the estrogen used is estradiol which is identical to ours and you cannot patent a natural product (I think they get patents on the delivery system instead ) so there is not as much money to be made from it.
elaine33371 Zigangie
Never knew that, thats very interesting, that says it all doesnt it, its all about money, isnt that everything in life now, what has this world come too,sometimes money is a curse isnt it.