Does this look like herpes?
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File size is too bighey everyone I'm so stressed, I noticed these little cuts on tuesday and I thought it was just due to rough sex but now theres more. these are happening about a week and a half after possible exposure. last friday i believe I had a fever but I also think I have strep even though the rapid strep test came back negative. I did have bad tonsilitis and got a zpack and thought i was getting a UTI then read that herpes presents with painful urination. does it feel like a UTI??? I'm so scared. I cannot have herpes. asked the partner I was with and he swears he's never had anything like sores, or a diagnosis of herpes. Also checked myself for chlamydia and gonorrhea and that was negative. could it be a rash? from having urgency bc I did not make it to the bathroom several times. Also, did anyone have like extreme discharge without a smell?? like almost like you peed your underwear? please someone help!
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Noname01 Guest
Hi hun, the file size is too big, however, the symptoms of herpes mimicks a lot!
i had extremely painful urination with my first outbreak before the sores showed up and felt really run down and feverish.
Go get them swabbed ASAP. the sooner the better.
8/% of the population has herpes, 80% of them dont know theyre carriers.
my boyfriend was one of them.
Herpes isnt actually a huge deal! the stigma is worse than the actual virus.
HSV is also not tested for on routine STD tests, so very few people actually know their herpes status.
Feel free to message me if you have any questions.
Guest Noname01
I'm so scared. I hope it's just tears from friction but im so scared to find out. I cant afford meds if I need them. do you need to take them often?
Noname01 Guest
You actually dont ever need to take meds, even with an active breakout. The body will heal it on its own. meds just help shorten the outbreak healing time.
I get frequent outbreaks, and with my job i decided to take them daily as suppressive therapy, but you definitely dont need to!
ashley1091 Noname01
so im having my first out break. its been about a week and im still in so much pain i still struggle to use the restroom. any advice you can give me please? my dr. appointment is not until october and i need to somebody to talk to about this!
my file is too big but here are some pics. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP

ciara74915 Guest
do the sores hurt? I had extreme discharge when i had my first breakout. i had to use panty liners because it was so bad. fever is also a common symptom that comes with herpes.
does the partner have proof that he did not have it? 'many people will never have sores but still pass it on, and herpes is not a standard test for std testing. theres no way to know unless they have a blood test that confirms. I would get swabbed ASAP
Guest ciara74915
hi, no the sores dont hurt. I had a tear and so that kinda was tender but just like a little paper cut. not like super painful. I uploaded some pictures, do they look like that? now I've just noticed a few bumps near my anus. I'm so confused. does it look like herpes??
Guest ciara74915
oh one more thing. the discharge you're talking about, that came from your vagina or the sores? like almost like you peed on yourself? bc I woke up and my underwear were drenched and I had bad urgency to go to the restroom and couldn't hold it.
Guest ciara74915
my vag looks like this too, but my sores hurt.. i have cottage cheese white looking discharge that will be in my underwear..
Guest Guest
have you been diagnosed with herpes?
ciara74915 Guest
the discharge came from my vagina. but herpes usually hurt, if they dont hurt or itch then i would say its prob an infection. i would still get swabbed
Guest ciara74915
like do you mean they hurt or itch badly or like a papercut would itch. also do they hurt at every point in time like when they're ulcers like the one in the picture or only at certain periods? I'm trying to create a timeline to see when I should expect these things. there are like 3 by my anus now so now I'm officially freaked out. those dont hurt badly or itch but they feel like when you have heat rash or "diaper rash". did you get any by your anus? I didnt have anal sex but I guess they can show up there too.
Emily123789 Guest
Hello, please dont be scared but this is how my first outbreak of herpes type 1 looked !! Does it hurt at your last drops of pee - almost like a paper cut ? If yes, please go get swabbed at the gyno just to make sure... My boyfriend and I just figured it was from my past or he went down on me at a bad time (bc type 1 comes from cold sores) .... im actually having my 2nd recurrence right now and im taking the antivirals - which only cost me $5 with my insurance.
Your first outbreak will be uncomfortable and the worst. Try neosporin on the outer sores and put a heat pack down there!!
Dont be afraid, think of all the people who have cold sores ! youre not alone.
sorry just want to add a little more...
I too thought i had a yeast infection and then a UTI, but could NEVER pin point my exact symptoms because they were just so different (almost like a heat rash like you said) ...
I never thought i would have herpes because i have always been so safe!!! But im just one of the lucky ones who gets to show symptoms while my boyfriend lives with NONE . Not everyones symptoms are the same but can be similar, your GYNO is your BEST bet.
Guest Emily123789
thank you. I am freaking. did you have severe pain. honestly it hurts like a papercut right now without peeing but not excruciating. I had a tear from sex and then when I looked if it had healed I noticed the little spots or ulcerations. they're not deep. the while left side was tender but not excruciating. it hurt to pee like a uti not like sanitizer in a cut. I just now have some near my anus so I freaking out!!! nothing excruciating but definitely kind of uncomfortable like a yeast infection. di you feel like little sharp quick pain like pin prick?
ciara74915 Guest
when it started it felt like a painful pimple. but as it progressed, it hurt to the point i didnt want to walk. even laying still was excrusiating (not to scare you, just being honest). happened over a week after i first noticed the bumps
Guest ciara74915
I havent had pain like that at all. I actually just wiped right now and it definitely was tender. I didnt look but it is tender and wiped with a baby wipe so it kind if stung a tad bit and now it's fine. just mildly tender. I noticed the little spots on like late monday or tuesday so it has been about 5 days. I'm hoping that it doesn't get worse as far a pain goes. I randomly feel like a pin prick in my genitals but it's rare. I don't have the uti type pain anymore. I can sit just fine. I just feel like I havent experience the agony excruciating pain people talk about. I am definitely so scared. I know I must just go get a diagnosis.
Emily123789 Guest
My first outbreak lasted about 3 weeks and by the end of the first week I could not take it anymore. I feel like if I went to my doctor sooner, not so many would have showed up but ill never know. Please go and get swabbed, get those results so you dont have to deal with it the next time the symptoms show up (if they do.) personally, I had a lot of weight lifted off my shoulders and can not imagine not have going. Don't be scared of getting your results, in a world of 7 billion people, you are never the only one. use ice packs, put petroleum jelly in the affected area please message me if you need help with anything...
Guest Emily123789
can I ask, did you feel like quick shock like pins in your genitals. it's not so much painful but it makes you like, woah what is that! like a quick shock or quick pin prick?? I'm feeling that randomly.
omg I just looked and I'm freaking out. it looks so much worse
xDx91xPi Guest
have you got swabs yet.
it really does appear to be herpes.
Guest xDx91xPi
I'll be doing it today. it's so much worse than the first picture but they dont hurt excruciatingly like everyone says. just feels like a rash or tear from sex. my most agony was last saturday with my back and I had strep at the same time so my throat hurt. but my vagina never hurt excruciatingly. what made me want to go to the doctors back then was my throat pain so they gave me azythromicin. I just hope I don't get the pains everyone talks about. I'm at the clinic now.
Guest xDx91xPi
do you have sores like this?
xDx91xPi Guest
Yeah on my first outbreak i did, Initially i felt really swollen down there after sex. Like I thought maybe it was to rough or dry. The next morning I felt like tingly not so much a itchy but like a prickly kind of feeling and like I had a temperature and loss of appetite and then could feel some bumps! Within two days they had broken down to like your picture.
I was in a really hot country at the time and it was nearly 9-10 days before I went to a doctor. The pain so was bad but I think my skin got infected aswell my skin was like sticking to each mother.It really hurt to passing urine, when I sat down or wiped.
I went on antivirals and really within two days the pain was gone and the sores were gone within another 5 days. I was so worried I'd have scars but I don't.
Feel free to message me if you need to 😃
Guest xDx91xPi
yeah for me, I noticed Tuesday and they have progressed to more. they're no like painful but I'm not sure if as they progress if that's when they get painful. or would they have been painful throughout? I just really prayed it was nothing and they couldn't swab me at the clinic today. I'm going back monday and hopefully they can swab me then.
xDx91xPi Guest
Mine got more painful as it went on! But then again i think they were infected also.
Did they give you any medication?
Guest xDx91xPi
no medication. there was no practitioner there so I wont see anyone until tomorrow evening
xDx91xPi Guest
ah thats very unfair for you. hopefully you get sorted!
how are you feeling today?
Guest xDx91xPi
I feel ok actually. no pain just weird like pinching like where my tear was.
jay0071 Guest
what did the dr say
I'm going in tomorrow I have no discharge no odor 2 small cuts on the labia that healed in a few days didnt give me any discomfort no itching or burning when I urinate has redness in side vaginal opening
only pain is my right vaginal lip and my right thigh and right leg and foot felt inflamed yesterday night felt like my skin was on fire or bruised
can somebody follow back to me what it can be?
also I got off of penicillin for sore throat which was strep throat finished it yesterday
my hands are cramping my jaw locked at one point and I get a cramp spasm in my back and neck morning diarrhea
lily32400 ciara74915
hello, ive had problems with thrush for 3 years now, i was told the cuts i get are from the soreness , broken skin. however, reading more online im getting more worried as i never knew you could get paper cut herpes, i dont have have any near my bum, no flu like symptoms, just the cuts when i have thrush , could it be herpes?