Does this seem like an ulcers? Idk what to think anymore!

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Hey there! So I've been having weird stomach feelings for about 2-3 months. I'm gonna try and explain them as best as I can: 

- stomach feeling empty and gnawing even after right I eat, it's like i've eaten nothing. I get this feeling when I'm very hungry too. just more intense.

Then, there's the total opossite of it: 

-stomach feeling so full with normal portions, as if I ate rocks. It feels so bloated and then nausea too. 

Those 2 feelings are the main ones and they're completely opposite. I go to the toilet everyday, no blood in my stool, stool is normal coloured and sometimes more light coloured but I guess it's cause I eat vegetables and stuff. Sometimes I will get nausea but I get this is my anxiety (I'm an anxious person). I don't know if I have acid reflux but sometimes I feel my chest heavy, but I have asthma too.

I have been to a gastroentologist 3 times.  She examined me and listened to my belly. From what I told her she didn't feel the need to order an endoscopy, she thinks it's just anxiety. She said I might have anxiety induced gastritis (no h. pylori). She gave me anti acids at first (omeprazole) that did nothing so she said if they did nothing, there's nothing to fix there. Those bouts of the stomach mess come and go. However, they've been persistent for 2 weeks now and I'm really scared this is an ulcers.

I've had ultrasound of my belly back in September, nothing wrong. Had blood tests about pancreas and kidneys, nothing wrong either. Please give me some insight and thank you for any answers!

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you tried a food diary to see if food is upsetting your stomach?  Have you tried over the counter antacids? Try eating little but often.  Maybe you need a stronger dose of omeprazole or a stronger medication.  You could also try milk which is very good for soothing your stomach.  Anxiety can cause GI symptoms.  I get very anxious and this triggered acid reflux and IBS.

    I would see a different GI doctor and push for an endoscopy to get a firm diagnosis of whether you have gastritis, ulcers or h pylori. Saying 'you might' have these conditions is not a diagnosis.

    • Posted

      No I haven't tbh, I've been eating the same food since this started but it's not constant. As , I said it has its ups and downs. I don't drink milk, I do eat yogourt with the good bacteria on it. 

      I'm sorry, what do you mean by GI? 

      I think I might do that if this persists for too long. However, why are these symptoms on and off? This confuses me. May I note that I take chelated magnesium. Could this irritate it? I can recall that when I first started it, I think I had these and then I stopped it and recently started again. Could it cause such things?

    • Posted

      Magnesium is a laxative and may cause irritation such as loose stools.  Some say it helps, others say it made them worse. When you stopped magnesium, did your symptoms get better? This will tell you if you reacted to it.  I was put on Mebeverine for IBS which caused huge irritation so I stopped it and felt better.  I would stop the magnesium and see what happens.

      Stomach problems can come and go; these are flare ups. Sometimes food or stress is the culprit.  I would try a food diary in case a food is irritating you and you are unaware of it. Write down what you ate, any symptoms you had afterwards, and how often they ocuured.  If you have had any stress, watch to see if any of your symptoms follow the stressful episode.

      I have IBS and my symptoms come and go.  Keep going back to your doctor until you are diagnosed.  I went eight times to different doctors before I got help. It took 3 and a half months.

      If you see any pattens of food intolerance, take this to your doctor. If any food is a problem, cut it from your diet.  Common stomach irritants are chocolate, coffee, spicy/greasy foods, artificial sweeteners, fizzy drinks, potato, and processed foods.   Dairy and gluten are others.

      GI stands for gastrointestinal, gastroenterology or gastroenterologist.

    • Posted

      Sometimes they are more loose than they used to, it's when I get these symptoms. So I will stop it and see what happens. It might be irritating me! I think yeah, they got better when I wasn't taking it. 

      I will try the food diary and then go to the doctor with it and see what happens. I just don't get why doctors don't care enough to try. It's annoying! I have health anxiety too which doesn't help. 

      Thank you very much for replying! 

      What are your symptoms with IBS ? Do we have anything similar? That might be the case. 

    • Posted

      I get pain that moves all over my stomach and can be stabbing, dull, deep grinding or sore to touch. I mainly have constipation but I have had loose stools as well.  I also have had back pain, nausea, and health anxiety.  I am generally anxious anyway which I think triggered the IBS.  

      Having a bowel movement temporarily helps the pain, but it slowly creeps back.  Food doesn't trigger my IBS.  IBS is hugely variable and everyone experiences it differently, some more severely than others.  I mainly have mild IBS.  Sometimes it is moderate and occasionally severe.  Response to treatment is variable.  Controlling anxiety is key to managing IBS. 

      In the end, you will get diagnosed; it just takes time and this can be very exhausting and disheartening.  I went through a point where I thought I would never be diagnosed and slipped into despair.  I think doctors really do care and do try to help as much as they can. But often, they themselves don't know the answer because IBS is so poorly understood and the cause of everyone's IBS is different.  Some people don't respond to any treatment.

      One of my doctors told me openly that she thought my symptoms were confusing and she did not have a clue.  The crucial thing is to telo your doctor about your anxiety.

    • Posted

      I have most of these no constipation though. I had it for a day or 2 these weeks but I think it's because I wouldn't eat many fruits and such. Oh welcome to the health anxiety club. It suc ks. Haha. 

      I'm glad you finally figured this out. I, myself, am sinking in despair too. Too scared to have an endoscopy too. Scared of all sorts of things to be honest. That's what health anxiety does. Thank you very much for your insight and for replying! Best of luck to you, and hang in there.!

  • Posted

    Hi I'm 27.ive been suffering with abdominal pain upper left side since I tested positive for h.pylori 8 weeks ago I took the course of antibiotics.but the pain is still I thought it was getting a lot better last week.ive seen four different doctors none of them seem so scared because I've googled it and they all seem to lead to stomach or pancreatic cancer.since I've been googling the doctors also told me I have a anxiety disorder I've been in tears in the docs.i sometimes get the odd chest pain ive been on omeprazole.i just can't get cancer out of my head.i know I should trust my gp but it's seems like cancer is everywhere I turn...Any advice

    • Posted

      You may still have h pylori.  Sometimes it comes back or it is resistant to antibiotics.  Ask to be retested.  The antibiotics are also very strong and you may have reacted to them.  Don't google, this also led me to believe I had pancreatic cancer.  Trust your doctors.  You have seen four and all of them are not concerned you have anything serious. 

  • Posted

    I know googling is the wrong thing but I can't stop doing it .i have doctors again on Friday I may suggest that.thing is last week it got better then I've came home from working away then it's started again.i just can't get cancer out the brain.ive gone from being a happy go lucky guy to miserable and scared constantly.the stomach pain is the only symptom I have and my stomach is always making noises

    • Posted

      A repeat h pylori test should show whether you still have the bug or not.  It can be a very difficult infection to get rid of.
    • Posted

      Thank you for taking your time to reply 😃Much appreciated just wish I could get back to my old self for my boys sake and hope it's nothing serious

    • Posted

      Your doctor should be able to help at your next appointment and you should get back to normal.
    • Posted

      It seems like you do have health anxiety, like me. Cancer is the 1st thing I think of and it does no good. Nor googling. Since you've seen 4 different doctors and none of them seems concerned, then you shouldn't be either. I know it's easier said than done.

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