Does this sound like pre menopause

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Hello I just joined today. I would like to run my symptoms by you and see what you think. I'm having a really hard time. Sorry that this post will be pretty long.

I'm 45 years old and something quite dramatic happened to me before christmas. But first I would like to tell you how things have changed for me over the last two years. Two years ago I was due to change my coil.. So that was done but I constantly bled.. Which was unusual for me because I've always had the coil.. I was sent for the scan and all was ok. So they said it will settle.. It didn't.. We tried all the coils and everyone made me bleed... We tried the progesterone pill and that made me bleed ( I can't have the combined pill) so my husband takes care of that side of things now. The doctor said this must just be your age and the coil and pill just don't agree with you anymore. But after that my periods have never been the same. They come early or come late.. I spot for days and days before she kicks in.

. I bleed heavy than I ever did and they can last two weeks....I've had a biopsy and scan and all is fine. Then two weeks before christmas My eyes started to feel strange and I had sharp little shooting pains in my the day went on it became very weird. I can only describe it as looking at my family through a sheet of glass. Almost like I wasn't there. Everything behind them seemed blurred and they seemed to stand out. I've since learned this is a feeling of being detached. Then I had pressure between the eyes. The next morning I went straight to the doctors and they told me it was sinusitus. I had no runny nose or pain so I found this odd. So I went home and steamed and took ibrufen like it was told to. A few days past and I woke up depressed.. I don't mean just a bit sad I mean really depressed. A massive cloud hovering over me.. Couldn't eat, sleep and everything just seemed wrong and I was soo soo sad and distressed. We called the doctor and she said yes sinusitus can make you feel this way and that I was looking at two weeks of this feeling. This went on another week.. I was in a hell of a state. My husband took me to see another doctor who confirmed I had depression. She put me on 15 mg of citropram. The week that followed was absolutely hell. It lifted the sadness but omg the anxiety was horrendous. After another week of suffering like this I told my husband I'm feeling I can't go on. So he took me back and they put me on 30mg of mirtrazapene and I was told to stop the citropram. The next day was amazing I felt so much better until recently. The anxiety started creeping back in. But here's the thing. I haven't had a period since November.. And when I think back all this started a week before I was due in December... And my anxiousness started last week when I was due again and she hasn't arrived. I have no hot flushes or anything like that. Do you think this is premenopause .? Can it cause sudden depression like this? My doctor won't do the test because she says it's never accurate. Would appreciate your advice and experience .. Nicky's

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Nicky

    you are not alone some of the symptoms you describe mirroe some of my own.

    I no its the most scary thing that feeling of losing control and not understanding what on earth is going on. I was put on anti depressants 8 days ago, they take a while to build up in your system. Its hard but dont put to much pressure on yourself, we have to be patient, its takes time.

    Hang in there hopefully you will feel better very soon

  • Posted

    Thankyou so much for your reply it was helpful x
  • Posted

    Keep posting on here it does help you will find alot of people on this site will totally understand where you are at. Wishing you well.
  • Posted

    I have very similar symptoms. Horrible anxiety arrived out of nowhere at Xmas. My GP has been treating me for anxiety and depression, but I am convinced my symptoms are caused by my monthly cycle, and that I am suffering because of an early menopause.

    I don't need anti depressants, I need oestrogen. I can tell exactly when I'm ovulating because it's the only time of the month I feel properly well and happy.

    Take a look at the Menopuase Forum and you will find hundreds of women with identical experiences to you.

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    Also, most GPs know blood tests for hormonal issues are inconclusive. Ideally they should test you on Day 3 and Day 21 of your cycle. But even then it might not be clear.

    GPs SHOULD them move to a clinical diagnosis where they review your previous history.

    Do you have a history of PMS/ Have you had Post Natal Depression? Did your Mum/Auntie/Sister have an early menopause? What are your other physical and mental symtpoms? Are they linked to your cycle?

    Keep a mood diary, and plot your moods in relation to your cycle, then take it to your GP and demand you're taken seriously.

  • Posted

    Hello, thankyou for your replies. I've been doing good now for at least five weeks. The doctor recently reduced the dosage of my antidepressent. However I have been monetering my cycle and my mood and I don't give a hoot what my doctor says, I know there is a link. Right on ovulation I feel a little anxious and upset, and the first day of my period much the same. I did suffer post natel depression yes.. What connection is there?
  • Posted

    I think the connection linking PMS and PND and suffering with the menopause is that your body has demonstrated it is very sensitive to changes in your hormone levels of oestrogen and progesterone.

    Google Professor John Stubbs, and see what he has to say about hormonal changes, it's very enlightening. He runs a specialist clinic in London for women suffering with PMS and menopausal symptoms.

    He says that all too often women are fobbed off with anti-depressants, or told 'they just need to get on with it' when real;ly all their issues could be quickly sorted if they were prescribed oestrogen, or HRT.

    Yesterday morning I lay in bed with shaking hands and churning stomach, dreading the day ahead, all because of this horrible anxiety. By yesterday tea time the anxiety had completely disappeared, and I was laughing and joking with my MIL. Today I feel chilled out and smiley.

    And, guess what? Yes, I'm ovulating, so my oestrogen levels are peaking.

    Only chemical/hormonal imbalances can cause such radical changes in your mood. Especially when my whole life is fairly stress free now, and life is good.

  • Posted

    Hi Nicky  I started my own plot the other day for same thing  new to this site too , mine was sudden always had dizzy spells upset stomach anxiousness feeling uneasy 2-4 days before my 30 day peroid and 2-4 days after jan comes aour d wow wee nothing not a thing I thught wow thi sis nice then end if my peroid it hit hard that's was feb 5 th feeling like crap today  but I know your meds will kick in. The lowest dose works great just give it the full 6-8 weeks I know it hard I was on them over a year ago very low dose  went off for a ur now I'm wondering but waiting it see if this passes  I'm 51 soon be 52 have not skip or add any changes in my periods beside every 30 days , good luck 

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