Does this sound normal....
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Today I woke up with dragging aches in my tummy which stayed most of the day. On top of this I felt just off, I had a dizzy turn whilst shopping and had to hold onto the shelf as felt I was going to pass out! I didn't but was scary. I then went on to have 4 more of these attacks. I have a slight ache between shoulder blades, my neck and elbows! I don't feel sick or anything just not right. I'm quite anxious about it as just keep thinking it's my heart (though I have no reason to) and I know good old anxiety is part of the menopause process. Thank you all x
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gailannie Tracky
Tracky gailannie
gailannie Tracky
I've watched my friends and family do this menopause stuff without ever considering bioidenticals. They are now all over weight, squishy fat on their middles, taking numerous drugs for all the issues that we know are correctable with estrogen and progesterone therapy. So I say yes, give me hormones. Life's just too short, and I want to have comfortable sex till I die!
laurie93043 gailannie
Tracky laurie93043
Tracky gailannie
gailannie laurie93043
But the thing that bothers me to no end, is that there are many very serious issues that do relate to menopause, that our time and money should be spent on understanding the effects to the entire endocrine system.
As just one example, woman have heart attacks JUST LIKE MEN after menopause, when we lose our estradiol. I just read a study today that says that we get fat in our hearts once our estradiol goes down. Age doesn't seem to matter, just how low our estradiol level drops.
Or how about the connection to estradiol and insulin? Any wonder that woman become insulin resistant and then type two diabetes comes on after menopause?
For me, it is about careful study and understanding the changes in the body after we lose these important hormones. I did 4 years of chronic pain in all my ligaments and muscles, that apparently was completely related to estradiol. Yet not one doctor I saw looking for answers, ever asked me when my periods stopped.
If it hadn't have been for the vaginal atrophy and dryness, I never would have had the answer as to why my body constantly hurt.
So yes, I say HOORAY for estrogen, because my body was screaming and it wasn't asking for ibuprophen.
laurie93043 gailannie
One More Thing. : ) Imo it's all about oxygen, really. O2 to the brain and other important organs like muscles (esp. heart muscle.) Ages ago I used to work w people who had OBS (organic brain syndrome) and they were always sullen, is the best word I can find to describe a certain frame of mind, that certain mood. When I recognized this in myself: sullen, I recognized that I need more oxygen to the brain. I happen to believe that estrogens help our brain cells pick up oxygen. Lower estrogen means lower 02 to the brain = feeling dull and sullen and Get me outta here. We are quite fortunate to "be aging" in a time with ways to keep our bones strong and our 02 as well. I cannot tell any diff, going from years on Premarin to 18 months now on estradiol bio-identical gel. But it makes my Gyn happy and so many here and elsewhere really feel there is a huge difference in styles of estrogen replacement. Happy to join you. Thanks, gailannie, I feel better now. : )
Tracky laurie93043
laurie93043 Tracky
susan21149 gailannie
So I don't know what to do. For right now I am not taking my HRTs and my neurontin i am only going to take 100mg once a day and that will be at night not in the morning or afternoon
I have been bleeding heavily
pinkcatfairy Tracky
I can relate to the dizziness especially when im out shopping and i occasionally get the aching between the shoulder blades too, also menopause affecting the stomach is quite common too, unfortunately i got gastitis with it which wasnt very nice! Having a hernia didnt help especially with acid reflux increasing at this time x