Does Tibolone/Livial cause dizziness?
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Hi everyone
I am a 56yr old lady who has not taken any form of HRT. The menopausal symptoms are many and are really getting me down. I have prescribed Livial but despite having it in my drawer for 10 months have not got the courage to try it! I am terrified of it causing dizziness and I have read that it can. I used to suffer from terrible Vertigo and don't want to risk that. My symptoms include temperature changes, irritability, forgetfulness, low libido, vaginal soreness, clumsiness, depression, weight gain, intense itching at night, frequent urine infections, etc etc! Any advice gratefully received!
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barbara92906 daisylady
daisylady barbara92906
Firstly thank you so much for taking the time to answer me in such detail. It seems that Livial really did suit you and I am so sorry they discontinued it. You may be right that the stopping of it did contribute to your current health difficulties but I suppose it's difficult to say for sure.. You are patently a very strong-minded lady and I know you'll be ok. I will take your comments into consideration and may well give it a go. God bless you too Barbara and thanks again x x
georgina88796 barbara92906
password to get into patient discussions, I don't know if you remember me,
but I have been off of Livial for almost 3 months now, and when I was off
of it for 2 and a half months I was diagnosed with breast cancer, you can
imagine my horror...........but am getting use to it...........the doctor who saw
me as I have been to 2 doctors already have said that HRT does not cause
cancer.....that they have realized that there are other factors involved in ones getting cancer. Anyways, I have to be operated on and get treatment,
but am hoping I can go back on Livial when I am back on my feet, but it
reminded me of what you said when you went off of Livial, like the earth
had opened up and you got everything under the sun when you stopped
taking Livial. Anyways I hope that this email finds you well and happy.
Sincerely, G
barbara92906 georgina88796
barbara92906 georgina88796
BUT..oh dear, fancy that happening to you...i am pretty convinced things like that do happen, and could...but i am no medical expert but learning lots...i came off it, and nearly tweo years now, everything going wrong with health. not sure if i told you, but i am absolkutely convinced now i have MS...multiple sclerosis...i have been in touch with someone who was so bad with it, and she has written a book...everything she says, i can understand it....nearly all the symptoms for MS i have...but doctors say it is side effects of tablets, etc...and doctors, nurses, etc...and i have written to the hospital, and they are all saying also, that it is my age!!...all the way along with livial, it was MY AGE..i think i told you i was elderly...and i am stil young at heart...but gone are the livial days i am partner is now helping to care for me a lot...but it is all jobs now, and i cannot get away on is sad..and family, have so many problems, my daughter is quite good, but just pops in and busy, and she has just had a bereavemeht on her husbands i struggle along..i get tingling arm and leg...heart failure i have now, heart nurse calls every 3 weeks or so...i see rheumagtology, for the temporal artiritis and polymyalgia that i have...but i got those before stopping eyesight is fading at times...blurry...i have a job to read and write....but there are times when i am not so bad...i am getting very shaky now, my hands, i drop things easily...i have had left shoulder damaged after polymyalgia, but the right arm is now difficult to...i cant lift left arm much, and the right arm, hurtss..cant reach things..and cant carry heavy things..not even a dish of trifle i make, is so heavy.,.i love cooking, but now mince/blitz anything hard, i cant chew...i.e. a nice steak!! any meat really, and salads,,i mincer up lettuce,cucumber, tomato, etc..with salad cream..quite nice..and in a samdwich..bread is is my bottom teeth have al gone...due to bone structure in me..osteoarthritis and osteopporosis...i will go not further...too boring..but. as i had my own little secretarial business for over 50 years, i still try to look after myself, in a way, that i ran my business..doing it all, filing things..but losing things, so much paper work...i get so tired, and fatigue, i just have to crash out and rest for half to an hour, and then i am fine work..(no pay, to work for myself, hahahaha.!!!!)..but i have always enjoyed my work...i need to sit quietly and concentrate though. so early mornings, or late evenings, when i can be alone for a while, i can get on..!!...that is about it now...the two grandchildren i had here where we live, one got married last summer, now lives further away, not seen her since xmas...and the other is travelling again in austgralis, n.zealand, vietnam, and all over the place...been away since sad, but we have to let them go!! as we did with our own children!! now i am on a different twenty year things...everything has gone in 20 years spasms with me..perhaps with most people, but now i am 80, battling with this...i am still trying to get a second opinion, get a scan, i dont mind if i am told i have not got it, but an MS helpline person says i should make more enquiries, etc...and i am jolly well goihg to if i can!!..but i had to stop livial, with all my contacts i one would listen..yet the instructions inside, said that livial, was HELPFUL for bone structure...and i was convinced it was..everything gone wrong since..getting headaches more now to...and aches and pains a lot more..all the best to you Georgina...and hope you get over the cancer...i pray and feel for you...and thank you so much for writing to me is good to talk, eh...take care of yourself, best wishes, from me!
georgina88796 barbara92906
I did not see your reply to me from 3 months ago, only yesterday's
reply. So I had a lot to read. I see you are asking me where I am
from........well, right now I am from the U.S.A., but have lived in
Central America for a long time.
I am amazed at all that you are going thru right now and still able
to sit down and write at the computor. You truely are a strong
spirited person. How old are you right now? I am 70 and off of
Livial for 5 months now. I have been on radiation and since my
cancer is an "estrogen feeding cancer" I can not longer take
Livial, and must take an estrogen blocker........not much fun I
believe and will have to take for 5 years. This pill recks havoc
on your bones, therefore I will have to exercise every day from
monday to Friday for a minumum of 30 minutes in order not to
let my bones go bad. The other ladies on this Tiblone talk debate
have recommended coconut oil to me for this and my oncologist
gave me a phamphlet which also recommends it.......I am afraid
I will just dry up like an old prune.........not much fun if you ask me,
but my spirit is high..........and I am feeling well.......also have just
finished reading a book by a U.S. neurosurgeon by Evan Alexander called "Proof of Heavan" and I found it soothing seeing
as how I have the cancer, as it shows you a different outlook on
"heavan" so to speak than the church tells you..........I have read
it in Spanish and English and , mind you I am not saying I am
100% sure of what he says, just another angle on death and where
you go.
Barbara, you hang in there, I feel very fortunate to correspond
with you, I feel we would had of been very good friends if I had
lived in the UK and met you. You seem to be my kind of friend,
I think of you often and all your gumpshin that you have on
handling your life so well. God Bless you Barbara!! xoxo G
barbara92906 georgina88796
barbara92906 georgina88796
i wish you well in life, and hope the op. is sad..keep in touch...B.p.s. got a stair lift fitted today...always said i would have stairs, gives me exercise....but there are difficult times, where a stair lift is is its worth it...hopefully...shal still walk up sometimes..for the exercise...
georgina88796 barbara92906
really know..........except that right before I was diagnosed I had
stress in my life as I have never known, so maybe the combination
of the 2 things....who knows......but the cancer I have is an
"estrogen feeding" cancer and that is what the Livial has........
Good Bless you and enjoy your stair lift that you got today!!! xo G
georgina88796 daisylady
2 times about starting it out and giving it a chance. I have been on for
15 years and swear by it. Give it a chance, and if you think you are dizzy
just stop taking it. I never was dizzy with Livial. I think Livial balances
one out very well, and all the above that you are suffering from should
go away after taking Livial. Give it a good chance. I know many who
swear by it..........I am sure you will thank me later on for encouraging
you to go for it Girl!!! You can do it!! Kindly and sincerely, Georgina
daisylady georgina88796
Thank you very much for replyiing. Your comments are really encouraging and as you say you won't know till you try. I hope I can be lucky like you lol!
x x
sharon0810 daisylady
georgina88796 sharon0810
you, truely sorry, I am 70 years old and have used Livial for over
15 years with no side effects, and feeling absolutely wonderful.
Did your doctor say that maybe you could try again or are you
100% sure that you will bloat? Sincerely , Georgina
sharon0810 georgina88796
georgina88796 sharon0810
daisylady sharon0810
thank you so much for replying. The weight gain sounds terrible. I have read this on a few websites but I supposed we are all individual. It sounds like it was fluid retention rather than fat maybe? I wish you luck with the Yam cream. I suppose we all have to keep trying stuff till we find what works best for us. x x