Does weight loss help symptoms?

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Yes, I know that weight loss is ALWAYS a good idea, but I am wondering if it will help my symptoms. As I have mentioned, way too many times, my vision is my main complaint. I am not sure if estrogen or progesterone is the cause, but am leaning more toward estrogen dominance as the culprit. I have read that pregnancy causes blurry vision and that newly menstruating girls can also experience vision issues. Thankfully, the internet (and this forum) informed me that menopausal women can have vision disturbances too. So, it's clear that hormones can effect vision. I'm just confused about which hormone is making my life hell. I am about 50lbs overweight (embarrassing, I know). And, I know that estrogen is stored in adipose tissue aka fat cells. Will losing weight lower my estrogen and possibly bring some relief? Anyone with any experience? I know not everyone with vision issues is overweight, but I am still curious if it would help.

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    So, I have experienced the vision issues a few times including migraines with aura, ocular migraines and visual disturbances. All were caused by the level of progesterone and occurred when I starting taking HRT and bhrt. The doctor said that women's levels increase the few days into their period, and so with taking meds and trying to get the dose right mine just took off!! Thankfully, I don't get them now but hope that helps a bit. I've also gone down the diet route, and since January I have lost about 42lbs (I'm not embarrassed at all:)) and I don't think it's made any difference to my hormone levels. What it does is give me loads more options on how I can feel better. I've always been quite active at a push, but now I run, cycle etc and that makes me feel good. I also do mindfulness and plenty of walking for fresh air, and the combo of lifestyle changes and bhrt as made a huge difference. Good luck with whatever you decide to do ♥ xx

    • Posted

      Hi Sassy,

      Thanks for replying! So, it is low estrogen and high progesterone that causes the vision issues? On another forum, someone said the opposite. I'm always so confused. How can I not know this stuff as a woman?!?! I feel like an idiot. Did your vision stuff end because you found the right dose of HRT or because of where you are now in peri/meno? Congrats on the weight loss! I have to lose the weight no matter what, I just was hoping it would make a hormonal difference. You are right though, it will make a difference in other ways! I was told no to HRT by the obgyn and neurologist due to the migraine with aura. I know that the literature says transdermal is safe for women with aura, but I think the doctors are sticking to tradition.

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      I am sure weight loss with help in many ways. But I have zero motivation. And yes I need to loose weight too. I am not on any medication. So everyday is hard going. I too have blurry visions at times. I keep wiping my eyes and my glasses but it does not help since it is internal. All the best

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      Thanks for sharing, Imagine! I have the motivation, I just don't have the energy!

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      Hi staci

      The doctor didn't mention the low estrogen, just that it's caused by a peak in progesterone.... Hey, none of us know this stuff until we stumble over it 😃. Think once you've had vision issues the doctor can be reluctant to go with hrt, but have you asked about bhrt?

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      I don't know about BHRT. My bloodwork didn't technically indicate that I was in perimenopause, so they were reluctant to discuss any options.

  • Posted

    hey Staci - dont feel bad, i have a little more than that weight to lose...its life, it happens - dont beat yourself up! i have been suffering for approximately 40 days with what i thought was ocular rosacea, turns out it was something entirely different, but my vision has been really off so i feel for you, i cant imagine having the added migraine - hope youfeel better -

    • Posted

      What was it instead of ocular rosacea? I actually don't get the migraine (except for during my period), I just get the visual disturbances.

    • Posted

      HI staci - Blepharitis - has all the same symptoms as ocular rosacea, but doesnt respond to the antibiotic doxycycline that i was on for 40 days - UGH! It appears to be an infection of the glands on the top & bottom lids of my eye, but my eyes were really affected - now on antibiotic drops for about 15 days - hope it clears up -

  • Posted

    hey Staci - dont feel bad, i have a little more than that weight to lose...its life, it happens - dont beat yourself up! i have been suffering for approximately 40 days with what i thought was ocular rosacea, turns out it was something entirely different, but my vision has been really off so i feel for you, i cant imagine having the added migraine - hope youfeel better -

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