don't get the hot flashes??

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So I get all the perimenopause symtpoms...dry vag, fatique, loss of sex drive, gerd and digestive prob, tingling skin too name a few...however, I don't get the hot flashes or night you still think its perimenopuase...can you get all the other sym and not hot flashes and night sweats?

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    I only had night sweats in very early peri, it was how i knew it was peri start of, also night sweats but not for long, then had ten year peri, then first year of post meno i had a summer of excessive hot flushes up to 20 per day.

    A hot flush is the way our bodies cool down in menopause due to hormones sending things all over place..

    as it was a hot summer i re started flushes ten years later .. Now its cool they have gone again..

    i am age 50, 16 months post menopause 

    jay x 

  • Posted

    hi dane, yes i have all the other symptoms but i've never had a hot flash.  I do however get cold flashes.  I personally think your in peri.  Its horrid isnt it what we ladies have to go throughfrown sending you a comforting hug x
  • Posted

    Not all women get flushes ... They say 75% do in general ..

    The root cause of hot flushes is not clear.

    What is known is that the part of the brain that senses and controls body temperature (and other body functions) is the hypothalamus.

    During the menopause, oestrogen levels fall.

    Although not fully understood, scientists think that this fall in oestrogen causes a glitch in the way the hypothalamus senses body temperature, making it think that you are too hot.

    This causes a response designed to cool the body down.

    More blood goes to the skin (one of the causes of hot flushes and reddening of the skin) and sweat glands start working (the menopausal sweat).

  • Posted

    I have all your symptons too plus brainfog, anxiety etc but no hot flushes, if a nything I'm colder than usual. I am at the periods much closer together stage (22 days ish) and still ovulating so who knows what will happen in the future.
    • Posted

      Hello.i am like you, the same simtoms but not hot flash at all and my periods are closer too, about 20 to 22 days apart, i am taking the bioidentical homone teraphy, just progesterone 200 mg at nigth in pulls and 100 mg under the tong in the morning and also taking livial ,now for two weeks, i noticed more energy, but still having zero libido and my hair is falling down and my nails are cheaping.hope the livial kicks in gast for my libido and who knows as you said what will happen in the grand mother had my mom at age of 50, my mom had me at the age of 49' i still have the desire to have a baby, i am 48 and have a fibe years old boy the born when i was 44.,.

  • Posted

    I most definitely think that it is perimenopausal symptoms. I don't get hot flashes very often but I do get a lot of the other symptoms. Everyone is different and we all experience symptoms differently. I know some women who have gone through menopause without experiencing any hot flashes. I have found that with all of the symptoms there is always one symptom that is the dominant symptom that I experience mostly. I don't know if this is true for anyone else. Hope this helps. 


  • Posted

    Greetings to you dear.  I am in perimenopause and don't get hot flashes, a night sweat nor gray hair so my hormones are in a real state of shock or else it's the calm before the storm.  rolleyes  I had vertigo and very off balance and dizziness for 6 months.  I started the B vitamins and were a great help with these symptoms.  The one is even good for vertigo.  Now I just have fatigue most days. All these symptoms eventually go away and keep telling yourself that this too shall pass.  It's good to keep busy and keep your mind off your symptoms and it will pass even faster I find is true.  Shopping with a good, positive, friend will do wonders. xo
    • Posted

      Have you tried a B12 spray/sublingual for the fatigue? Helped mine no end (took iron too as was deficient probably due to period every 22 days).
    • Posted

      Hi Middlemuddle

      Please can I ask the name of the spray and where you you can buy it please ? smile

    • Posted

      Greetings. biggrin Fatigue now.  I have no energy.  The days are better but the evenings are a right off.  Some days are worse than others.  Which is good so I get spoiled more hehe.  Just this morning I was feeling very warm and it's winter outside.  Felt like jumping in the snowbank.  Oh God I am getting near to a Hot flash. waaaaa. I take B6 and B12 vitamins.  I heard they work good together from Dr. Oz TV show.  xo
    • Posted

      Yes that fatigue is a real bugger! I experience this too. Right before a period and while ovulating. It's like this unnatural tiredness comes over you and just sits. You feel like you can't do anything. 
    • Posted

      Oh yes I hear you.  sad It makes you feel old cause you don't feel like doing anything.  It's winter so it's okay by me to stay inside anyway.  It will pass like the other symptoms.  It will be Spring soon one day too. waaaaaa. xo
    • Posted

      Hi. I will try a spray.  Thanks for your help. I had a blood test beginning of the year and was good so we will see what the next test says.  I am falling apart 😖 xo
    • Posted

      Yeah and I have a very rambunctious five year old son and an eighteen month old girl who is newly walking so it's hard to not do anything. I guess it's a good thing to have them around at this time because I need something to  keep me going. 
    • Posted

      Hi again dear.  It's good to keep busy and moving.  I am 48 so have no little ones to keep me busy. I have to purposely walk on a treadmill. 😃😃. The fatigue will go eventually.  I will survive......maybe 😁😁😁
    • Posted

      Yes they help keep me moving.  They are probably in part the reason I've slimmed down so much. Lol! 
    • Posted

      Sorry for the delay. I buy shot-o-b12 by nature's plus from a local independent shop. Expensive but lasts about 3 months and worked for me; bloods showed huge increase in b12 levels.
    • Posted

      B12 is great,

      I have injection every two-three weeks and it boosts me no end,

      Would not be without B12

      Or B6 ever

      Have a great weekend ladies


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