Don't let all the horror stories of withdrawing scare you!
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Hey all,
I thought I would just write a quick posotive up on here as I read so many people saying they have a hard time coming off Miz,
I started Miz 6 months ago at 15mg, raising to 45mg. I did not like it from the very beggining, it made me angry and not myself at all. I will say it did calm my mind, it stopped the unwanted thoughts. I can't say it lifted my spirits as I was not deppresed per se but was just not happy. It kind of numbs your brain.
I decided 2 weeks ago to attempt to come off it. It worried me a little having read some peoples reports of a withdrawl from it. I have to say I have had nothing..Nada. It had made a tremoundas difference being off it though, I have the energy to do things..I want to do things. People are commenting saying you look bright.
I weaned down by roughly 10mg every 5 days and honeslty never noticed aside from feeling better in myself. I had had horrible pain in my hands since starting this drug and pins and needles sensation in my arms and hands. Once I got down to 7.5mg it stopped completely.
I'm not belittling anybody who has a withdrawl from this, believe me I have gone through 2 withdrawls from a very high dependence of Oxycontin and I can tell you it is HELL on earth so I feel your pain. This is really just to say it might not be so bad for anybidy who is thinking of stopping this horrible drug but us worried about some of the information posted on here.
Good luck to you all.
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evergreen steve23302
Thank you, Steve. Many people are terrified of coming off this drug because it can cause such horrible WD symptoms for some, so it's encouraging to hear some positive stories. I too have successfully come off it, although my first attempt was a disaster because I weaned off it too quickly and had terrible symptoms and was forced to reinstate the drug. However, I did a slower taper starting November 2015 and was complletely off it by mid February. I have no WD symptoms at all doing it that way. Some people can come off it cold turkey, others have to take a year or more doing a very slow taper. But the good news is, many people have come off this drug successfully, so it can be done relatively painlessly, just so long as you go at the right speed for you.
jolene95830 evergreen
Hi I came off these coming up to two months now I feel a lot better in my self only thing I'm finding hard is falling to sleep of a night but no other affects whSt so ever I have found that I have become my self again can handle things more clearly everyone is different I have also found with this site ppl don't seem to want to reply to posts when the ppl are feeling fine it's like they don't like u feeling fine my opinion good luck but I was on these for 2 yrs 30mg did work but I chose not to take anymore X
steve23302 jolene95830
Ha, imagine that not wanting you to feel fine, but yes I understand your point. When you are in a state of depression it s nice to know your not alone so I think when someone feels better it's skipped over a little.
I highly recommend Anti Depressants there is no shame in getting the help, I however found Mirt to be a horrible drug for me, I wasn't me any longer,and the pain I had in my hands was unbearable. It disappeared within days of stopping this drug. Unless you must take Mirt I believe there are much better choices out there on the market.
marcus61650 steve23302
steve23302 marcus61650
Hi Marcus,
We sound one and the same with our problems, though at the moment I'm having a good period so can look at it with more clarity. I know one wrong thought though and I can think bout it and think about it until it consumes my every thought so I never take it for granted.
I struggled along with deppresion and unwanted thoughts from being 15 until I was 34. I still do I guess it's just nowhere near the level as before where it consumed my every thought from the second I woke, waking up for the toilet and waking to start another horrible day. I saw therapists, it helped a little but not much. I numbed my brain on pain meds to get through it. Then I just one day saw a Dr I'd never seen before and there was something "kind" about him and I just told him and talked it ear off for 30 minutes. He gave me Citolopram starting 20mg and raising to 40mg, it really saved my life. I found I could rationalise my thoughts and I just felt better. I had no side effects at all. I was in them for 6 years until a few months ago when it was discovered my Prolactin levels where very high and caused by the Citolopram. They took me off them and said I might be ok without any now. They were wrong, within weeks my mind was racing again and unwanted thoughts returned. It's clearly a medical condition. They changed me to Mirt and wow a horrid drug. That story is above. I'm back to being on nothing but I'm seeing a specialist next week. Stay strong, when u r at ur lowest it is worse than any pain. But you can get better