dont look like myself anymore
Posted , 14 users are following.
Does anyone else feel they just dont look the same . tired drab old bags under eyes black circles
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Posted , 14 users are following.
Does anyone else feel they just dont look the same . tired drab old bags under eyes black circles
1 like, 14 replies
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Claire4474 fiona27807
Yes I feel like that, it's depressing. I can see my youth slipping away :-(
tina39899 fiona27807
Me too Fiona. Don't look like myself and don't feel like myself. Age has never really bothered me until now .... 50 next month and really down about it xx
mee16031 fiona27807
Yes me too. Hate it. I was chugging along resigned to growing old and not very bothered, just a bit sad about it and then I consoled myself that everyone grows old anyway. But... I fell in love! With a guy who is 15 years younger, a fitness trainer! And a month after that I went into menopause! I was distraught! I got into fitness madly, lost ten kgs got a fantastic figure but boobs are sagging and skin is wrinkling, hair is thinning... I tried every cream and supplement to get back my looks and libido but... there is no happy ending. I feel a hundred years old, I get really depressed about it and broke up with the love of my life as I can't bear to see him even talking to young, healthy, fertile 30 something women. I think it was for the best. But damn the menopause. Nature is unfair.
karen96096 fiona27807
amy341731 fiona27807
kelly55079 fiona27807
Yes.. this is me at the moment and I don't know what happened. I was doing well I thought thru spring and summer-- taking it one day at a time. Now kids are off to school which I was excited about BUT now I'm dragging-- no energy not in the mood to do anything but the basics. I look old and frumpy.. just blah I know it's hormones so I will continue to do what I know is right and hopefully it will pass.
Guest fiona27807
Hi Fiona, same here... I look like a ghoul...only 41 years young 😭
michelle92591 fiona27807
I do not look of feel the same. Got the tire in the middle and saggy dry skin. Don't feel like being social and the libido is gone. Hoping for better days!
vicky77852 fiona27807
mee16031 vicky77852
It's genetics mostly and to some extent food and lifestyle. Greying, wrinkles, menopause age, age of first period, nausea during pregnancy etc etc are genitically controlled. Of course we can alter it to some extent by eating right and working out, exercising etc. I am 53kgs, I work out one hour a day cardio, weights, dancing, yoga. I eat organic, I sleep well. Yet as soon as I hit menopause my skin just died, looks nothing like it was a year ago, despite taking HRT
sarah05599 fiona27807
Yes same here, I have naturally curly hair and my partner loves it down but because I've dyed it now for last 10 years cause of grey and Meno/ageing it's just not the same anymore, it was my crowning glory and I loved wearing it down I just tie it back now as can't be bothered with it. I'm actually thinking of cutting it really short. My partner said today how come you always tie it back nowadays . I can barely look at myself in the mirror nowadays, I always look shattered, I hobble around like I'm 80 when I first get up cause so stiff and painful. Meno and ageing is soooo cruel ??
Finny2018 fiona27807
Fiona - It seems I have age spots on my hands and arms and I just noticed it within the last 2 months. My skin and neck look so different! It's like something switched and changes in me accelerated. I sent in for a saliva test kit from ZRT to check my hormone levels - one of the symptoms listed were :
Rapid Aging
That was listed along with so many other symptoms of the peri. Who knew? My cousin, aged 55, said she felt like she experienced rapid changes in her looks around age 50 (I will be 50 in November). My hair looks so different, too. I know it didn't happen overnight - but sometimes it feels like it.
mee16031 fiona27807
Hopefully they will discover safe long-term hormone substitutes. People live longer these days. Having to live like a shadow of one's former self for thirty or forty years is just cruel and scary. Studies have shown two years after Menopause women lose 50% of their collagen and 30% bone loss. No wonder we wind up looking like crypt keepers! I take HRT, I work out like crazy, I am into supplements and juice, organic food n so on. But... It's like running hard to stay in the same place and still slipping back!