Doom and gloom!
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Hi ladies and happy new year to all of you. So last night my partner of 8 years proposed to me. I accepted.
I was happy. Today I feel awful. Anxious and already thinking how a wedding is tooooo much. Im probably going to feel ill anyway so it wont be a nice day.
I hate myself for feeling like this.
Am I the only one with the doom and gloom??
Every single day I wonder if its my last. The physical symptoms are a living hell. Im not sure which is mind or my body.
I hate sounding so negative so I apologise for that! X
2 likes, 15 replies
nanette44686 sarahonadowner
Hi Sarah no your not the only one who feels this way it is constant all the symptoms wondering what’s next it’s hard work every day so I can imagine how hard it must be thinking about a wedding when really I bet you just want to curl up in bed on your own sending hugs 🤗🤗🤗🤗
sarahonadowner nanette44686
Guest sarahonadowner
sarahonadowner Guest
Guest sarahonadowner
juanita93228 sarahonadowner
First congratulations! Yes, I had doom and gloom thoughts. My doctor put me on a mild antidepressant called Trazodone. I have Valium for the really rough days, but I don't take the Valium everyday and sometimes I forget the Trazodone. I still have gloom and doom, just not as often. Try to focus on the happiness and blessing in your life. We are here if you need us!🤗🤗🤗🤗???
sarahonadowner juanita93228
katyD211 sarahonadowner
Hi you are hardly alone in this! I'm feeling what you describe right now...even though I told myself I would start the new year by focusing on blessings n not worrying. But then one of my pains hit...headache.thought it was stroke. Then breastfeeding pain...cancer? hour ago chest twinge...heart?..even though doc said ekg shows heart is fine, then he asked what was really bothering me. So he knew it was anxiety and so do I. yet when some new symptom happens I go straight to doom n gloom.
Hugs're fine. Congrats and try to focus on planning that fun day! Picture it and when gloom tries to come aboard tell it not today!
sarahonadowner katyD211
I get chest twinges and shortness of breath too. Had 3 ecg's chest xray lung function tests...all ok. Also had severe left breast pain constantly that lasted almost a year then vanished. So then the docs just have me down as a timewaster!
My health anxiety is crippling its so bad Im never off google.
Hugs to you x
juanita93228 katyD211
Katy you sound just like me. Every ache, pain, twinge is something awful. I've been having a weird feeling in my right breast, so I'm nervous about my mammogram next week......
I've been hoarse off and on since October. My mind has gone many places on that one . I will ask my GP about that. I hope it's just allergies, since I've had it before.
katyD211 juanita93228
Hi mom and one of my 7 sisters share your name.
Yeah I've been afraid of my mammograms because of past lumps that turned out to be nothing. Praise God for that! But I went through the procedures and the surgeries n biopsies to be sure, so now I'm always afraid. In addition to every new thing stirring up anxiety anew. I'm really beginning to believe we will all be ok but we just need the support in the meantime. It helps to know you're not alone or crazy and they say misery loves company. ...
I'll bet money that your intermittent hoarseness is indeed allergies. I've had those show up too. Hugs...
juanita93228 katyD211
Thank you Katy!??? Say hello to to the other Juanitas! Lol! I feel much better after reading your reply! Finding this forum was a Godsend for me. To be able to talk to you and other ladies going through this has helped me. I have cried and laughed, both out of relief knowing I'm not crazy and I'm not alone!🤗🤗🤗
katyD211 sarahonadowner
katyD211 sarahonadowner
It did it again!! That should say "breast" pain
vicky77852 sarahonadowner
Feel the same! I'm sad, in despair and very anxious. Try to see the bright side of life and feel ok!🌹