Dose increasing from 50mg to 75mg

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Does anyone have any success stories about going up to the 75mg? What are the side effects like this time round? Thank you and love to all.xx

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    I never went to 75mg i did a week on 50mg then went to 100mg ive been on 100mg for 2 days and feel pretty good, ive had a bad belly and small headaches and 1 small bit of anxiety today other then that its all good x
    • Posted

      Thank you kayleigh. I hope that's the same for me. I have to go back to work on Monday and worried about dealing with side effects again x

    • Posted

      hi jen what side effects did you have? im on 50 mg, started with 25 then 37.5 and now 2 wks 50mg, increased anxiety, aches and pains epecially shoulder and chest, headaches on and off, nausea which seems to have calmed down a bit
    • Posted

      Hi Elaine

      I had the shakes, dizziness, heightened anxiety and aches. I would feel like I had a flu and my head was heavy, with a feeling like I was swimming underwater. They all disappeared at about week 5, with the shakes the last one to go. I felt good after week 3 in terms of anxiety. But, I had a dip last week and now have to go up a bit more. It's good that you are increasing your doses in little incrimants. How are you feeling now?

      Jen xx

    • Posted

      thanx jen, i suffer from chronic health anxiety, ive had 80 out of the 100 symptons 1 after the other for the last year or so, i have morning anxiety but feel better in the evenings, ever since ive been on setraline ive had tense muscles shouldeq and back pain which seems to have started again after i upped the dose, at the mo ive diagnosed myself with bone cancer, for the last year ive had a brain tumour and all the other cancers 1 after the other,
    • Posted

      Health anxiety is a heavy burden to carry, your mind becomes your worst enemy. It's no way to live. Have you begun counselling to figure out why you have health anxiety? I have it as I watched 4 family members die from horrendous diseases, which has left me fearful of illness, but not death.

      Jen xx

  • Posted

    Hello. I am day 8 of going from 50 to 75 and to be honest I haven't had many side effects. My anxiety was a bit high for the first few days of upping. I feel pretty calm today and having a me day. I thunk we have to be patient with sertaline as it seems to take its time to work.

    Who knows what tomorrow may bring but feeling good today. I am taking it each hour as it comes.

    Keep us posted. X

    • Posted

      Thank you Jay, that is encouraging to know. I took my first 75mg today and went swimming to take my mind off it. This weekend maybe a weird one, but I just have to stick it out. Thank you for your positive words.

      Jen xx

  • Posted

    I've had GAD/panic attacks for 25 years and finally went for help. I started on 50mg and after about 3 months I started to feel great!! After about 6 months I started to feel stressed again. Dr increased me to 75 mg and now I'm having a new side effect- tingling of the lips and face which throws me into a full blow attack. I finally have the palpitations under control and now this!! Anybody have the same problem?


    • Posted

      Hi Michelle,

      I've been on my increase to 75mg for 6 weeks now. I terrible side effects at first. The dizziness was very strong, but has eased off now. I find I'm still suffering from mild side effect, but I'm in more control of the anxiety. Think it's just a case of waiting for these levels to resettle. I find the time of the month is bad, and I drank one small can of cider over the weekend, which sent me into a anxiety attack. Just a learning curve.

      Jen xxx

  • Posted

    Hi Jen

    I'm actually in the same boat with you 1yr ago I started on 25mg I felt good then 6months later I felt my anxiety coming back so I was increased 50mg and I was good for 6 months again then I felt it come back again so now I been on 75mg for 1 week now my side effects were tried increased anxiety headache some dizziness

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