Double balloon Enteroscopy. Feedback required

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I am due to have this procedure done. After reading all the information and research on this, it sounds a very risky procedure. Has anyone had one done? What were the after affects or complications from the procedure?

I am very nervous about having this done so would like some patient feedback.

Thank you.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Your best bet is to speak to your specialist about this procedure; It sounds pretty complicated to me and involves sedation which can pose problems for some people. That is why you should consult an expert.

    • Posted

      i just wondered what other side effects people had had from the procedure. It gives me an idea what to expect as consultants never tell you everything sadly.

    • Posted

      I had an endoscopy which is different from the procedure you are having. I had a very bad reaction to the sedation and I was not warned beforehand about it. Had I been told, I would not have had it. I reported the severe depression I had and was fobbed off. The consultant expressed surprise, told me my symptoms were unusual and I had handled the procedure well which I hadn't. I wasn't told beforehand what drugs would be used or asked if I was allergic to anything.I forgot to ask at my follow up appointment. The world unusual is often code for I don't know or I don't want to tell you.

      My best advice is to check with your specialist about what drugs you will be given, and what the side effects are. Google these drugs to make sure you have been given the full information you need.

    • Posted

      hi pippa

      very good advice!

      I am a person 'outside of the box' too. I have all sorts of problems with allergies and procedures but because nobody else has them, they dont bother to explain and then you end up with all sorts of problems. That is the reason why i am unsure about having this procedure.

      The specialist has not been very helpful and is only telling me the basics. I want to find out more before i go ahead with it. However doing that the consultants class you as being difficult!

      im sorry you had such a bad reaction and i hope that you are okay now.

    • Posted

      I was only told the basics too. Even if they think you are being difficult, it doesn't matter. It's you that is the most important. It's part of informed consent to know everything about the procedure you are facing. Make sure you ask your specialist about all possible side effects, mild ones as well as more significant reactions.

      At least I recovered from my endoscopy woes. However, I also got permanent neuralgia from a blood test four years ago which has added to my fear of any medical procedure.

    • Posted

      You have obviously reacted badly to medical things like i have and i understand how you feel. i have to be very careful before any procedure whether its small or large, even blood tests like you. I have Fibromyalgia which gives you nerve pain inside and outside of your body, in a way very similar to neuralgia but its affects the workings of your whole body.

      Thank you for your help anyway. i do appreciate it.

    • Posted

      When I was very young, I reacted so badly to a drug, that my eye turned squint within 10 days and my motor skills and hand eye coordination was severely affected. My eyes also stopped working together and my pupils are slow in dilating properly. While some of these things have improved with age, maturity and coping mechanisms, I still struggle with practical tasks, clumsiness, poor comprehension and difficulty in doing more than one thing at one time, so I am unemployed. No doctor has ever admitted to the link between the drug and my symptoms.

    • Posted

      Unfortunately thats the medical profession. They are the Mafia and its very rare you get any admission of errors from anyone, even if you pursue a claim in court.

      The main thing is that you are still here and fighting, like many of us. We all have to stay positive in the face of adversity.

      You take care and keep fighting.

    • Posted

      I am lucky to have skills in small areas such as basic IT and writing poetry. I have published one book and am preparing to publish another.

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