Down in the dumps!!!!!.
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Hi all, I've been in peri now for 21months and counting!.
was put on Sertline 15plus months ago,
but I feeeeelllllllll soooooo low, like nothing excites me just extremly low, miserable moody
i don't know if Sertline is helping me anymore? I'm thinking now my peri has kicked in big style with my hormones and all , at the moment all I take is Propanolol for prevention of a migrane, Sertline No vitamins nothing ? I'm on birth control the migrane coil which is due out December this year.
what can anyone recommend for me feeling the way I am at the moment?
im also suffering with neck pain and shoulder pain which is only on the right shoulder!!??.
this has now lead to me having a sore throat and throbbing pain when I wake in the morning again ONLY on my left side?
so 2untelated symptoms going on !
What should I take as I'm only now getting worse I do feel depressed BUT I'm putting this down with me being in peri?
many thanks all. Xx
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Crap flipping auto corrector I'm taking the Mirane coil.
periods are ok, I'm 47 btw
Sochima822 Shelly0069
Shelly, were you given Sertraline for your hormones or for depression?
Anyhow, if you're feeling low, you may need to take a mutlivitamin, as I suggested in a post yesterday. This was the only thing that got me up and going, getting me out of the low energy feeling. I can't post the brand names here but if you want to know which ones I bought you can pm.
Shelly0069 Sochima822
Thankyou Sochima for your reply.
i haven't been on the site for abit so I Never saw your post!!!!!!
was give Sertline for feeling low, yes I'll certainly look into some multivitamin tablets,
i"ll pm u if u don't mind for good preferences Thankyou. Xx
metamorphed Sochima822
would you mind telling me also the name of the multivitamin you took. thnks
Sochima822 metamorphed
Hi metamorphed, I cannot post it here. So I'll pm you now with the name.