Down to a quart a night now..
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I have been on Mirtz for nearly 2 years - I also have had the awful withdrawals. I went up to 30mg a night a one point, i am really happy I have been able to cut down to 3.75 a night now (quarter of 15mg tab). I am very wary of cutting down any further, I may start taking a quarter every other night. A friend of mine had to cut it down to a crumb a night for ages before she felt ready to come off. The one thing I will not do is rush because no way do I want the terrible withdrawals again! And, never again will I take Mertazipine!!
Well done to everyone out there who is trying to get off these tables..stay strong :-)
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I'm on 15mg but want to come off before trying for a baby. Am quite scared by the thought of withdrawal effects, particularly as I have terrible insomnia which is affected by even the slightest thing.
You mentioned your friend cut down to having just a crumb a night... I think I will end up having to do the same. I have been trying to get off olanzapine for over a year now. I'm now on 1.25mg every other night. My CPN said I can just stop it but whenever I do I can't sleep. They don't seem to understand how difficult it is for us to come off these drugs. Can you tell me, did your friend get withdrawal after finally stopping? Or did going down to a tiny amount prevent the withdrawal completely?
Good luck with coming off mirt
How long has it taken you to get down to a quart a night?
I tried a couple of times to stop completely cold turkey. The first time was from 15mg and within 3 days I was literally crawling back to the doctor to get more. The 2nd time I had cut down to a half (7.5mg) and I think the withdrawal was just as bad.
I cut down to a quarter after about 18 mths of 15 then 30mg then back down to 15, then 7.5mg. I have been on a quarter since May!
It's been long game :-)
My friend did not have withdrawals when she quit for good but she did keep on a crumb for at least a month, then every other night so it took some time. I think she was scared of the withdrawal feelings as she had them before when she tried to just stop and they were pretty scary. She said one night she just forgot to take the crumb then felt she could leave it the next night and so on..
My doctor looked at me puzzled and said I shouldn't have any problems stopping when I was ready, most people don't have any problems etc etc..that made me feel like it was just me being awkward!
I agree, they don't seem to know the addictiveness of these drugs. Thank goodness for this site, at least you know it isn't just you.
I bought a tablet cutter (about £1.50 from Boots) and then you can control how much you cut down. Try 3/4 of a tablet to see if you can sleep on that, you're only loosing a tiny amount then. If that's OK after a few weeks cut down to a half...always make sure you feel comfortable with the amount you are cutting out.
The withdrawals for me seem to only happen when the drug is completely out of my system.
Good luck and let me know how you get on. I will let you know when I cut down to an 8th of a tablet :-)
Good luck from both of us :-)