DR'S wont give me non controlled medication
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Im in a dire situation. I got a "Freak occurance" fungal infection aug 23 2016. From camping\Swimming and running around in damp clothes for 3 weeks. It has been mistreated and spread all over my groin and hands(gross, i know) It now resembles nothing anyone has ever seen(seriously 3 dermatologist, 3 different diagnosis) my god. My family dr started me on griseofulvin. Immediately within first week it started getting better. Now it's finally going away after 9 long weeks of treatment, but is NOT gone! Now no one will give me the necessary 3-4 more weeks of medication i need to get my life back! im battling dr's for griseofulvin!! Seriously. I had to drop out of school this got so bad from spreading. My god i want my life back! I need a few more weeks of a medication i have no side effects from it and it is only doing what it is supposed to do. This is insane!! How do i get non controlled medication that i desperately need if dumbass dr's wont listen? Ive been to 25! dr's apps. Er twice, urgent care, 3 dermatologist. I want my necessary medication now!!!
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Guest anthony_61857
There must be reason why you doctors are reluctant to continue your treatment with Griseofulvin. Could it be that the benefits of Griseofulvin outweigh possible serious side effects like drug induced liver injury, hepatitis, loss of taste, etc. You mentioned that you do not experience any side effects. Were your liver values monitored during the treatment period?
If the infection is subsiding would it be possible to continue treatment using topical anti-fungals? Those could be medicated shampoos (Nizoral, Ceanel) and anti-fungal creams (Lamisil, Daktarin, etc), sprays, and/or powder. In general, topical antifungals are very efficient at treating fungal infections of the skin.
Another thing I would recommend is washing your underwear, socks, and towels at a high temperature and using laundry disinfectant during the last rinse cycle of your washing machine.
anthony_61857 Guest
I had my liver panel done twice it's perfect. And no topicals will not take care of this. We made that mistake the first round and stopped fluconazole to early to " finish it off with topicals" Now it's resistent to fluconazole! It wont even work. The problem is it's appearance Now. Dr's keep passing me around and noone (Derms) have seen it from the beginning. This a nightmare, as it is very severe and now unrecognizable... Im in trouble with this
Guest anthony_61857
slyeargin09 anthony_61857
I understand exactly what you are going through doctors just don't listen my daughter and i both have aspergillus in our bodys dont know how it got there but i am having neurological problem from this doctors won't take me seriously even though i have lab work to back it up this is insane i don't know what kind of doctor to go to and i have been to more than 10 doctors they will not give me the oral antifungal voriconazole i researched it myself to find out that this med will kill this crap but no one will prescibe it to i feel your pain i am concerned for our health and no one knows anything about mold fungi .... i pray a doctor will listen to you soon. it has been 4 years of me dealing with this god forsaken fungal infection
anthony_61857 slyeargin09
Honestly if i Don't get more medication in the next week, im going to the news and telling them whats happened and the "World renouned" Cleveland clinic and other dr's by name are withholding my non controlled medication i desperately need. Might get a lawyer if i must. I already told Cleveland clinic just yesterday on the phone. I have pictures and short hd videos of how severe this infection is. Unbelievable
anthony_61857 slyeargin09
Im sorry for you and your daughter, thats awful.My god the people are playing with our lives. I guess our dr's took the "hypocritic" oath and our going out of their way TO HARM us. Im terrified, but im getting mad! I swear to god, i will sue Cleveland clinic, i have a case, tons of evidence, numerous diagnosis of this and now not receiving treatment! People think im playing!! this is my life! I just want my necessary medication... If i have to go to these lengths so be it.
Do dr's read these posts ever? This is no joke. I need help, my god. I had to drop out of college! Someone help me please! I have pictures, hd video of this. Im in dire shape
chrystal94179 anthony_61857
Oh Anthony😫 I understand your frustration. I have suffered for more than two years with invasive fungal infection. I first fell sick when living in Egypt( I was born and raised in Canada) I am now 59 years old. I have now have come to realize why I had so many different physical ailments for years that I thought were arthritis or strains from too much exercise. It first showed itself by swelling on my scalp,my neck and soon my whole body. Egypt is easy to buy melds so I talked to a pharmacist there and started oral anti-fungal. As the fungus began to respond, I became so sick. Fluid was squirting from between my fingers and toes. My hair started to fall out and my scalp swelled. My hearing became affected due to swelling. Thrush developed in my mouth. As soon as able I came back home to Edmonton AB and saw so many doctors who were baffled. I too had to beg for more anti-fungals. Due to the fact that I had been on anti-fungals for 6 months, of course all tests were negative for fungus. I am still trying to get better. Only in Egypt did anyone seem to understand what I had. I am angry and depressed that Drs here have me feeling it must be all in my head. Ya it's all in my head. Take a look at my hair loss and swelling. NorthAmerican Drs don't understand fungal infections.
virginia1941 anthony_61857
My husband and I are going to a Dr. Al Johnson: Johnson Medical Associates, 997 Hampshire Lane, Richardson, TX 75080 (just outside Dallas).
972-479-0400) He specializes in molds, allergies, etc but is what I would call a good all around doctor.... We live in Tennessee and have met people from other places at the clinic as well as ourselves. Even if you can't get to Dallas, they might be able to direct you to someone nearer you.