Dr wants to change my meds to venlafaxine but I'm scared

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Hi, I've suffered from depression and anxiety for most of my life, I'd tried a few types of antidepressants but never found one that worked for me, until 2013 when a psychologist put me on Mirtazapine. They worked wonders. They helped calm me down with my anxiety and gradually helped lift my mood so I could begin to function again, they also helped me to sleep and eat. I didn't seem to have any of the side effects that I'd read about, until I'd been on them for 8 months when I rapidly started to put weight on and I'm now 2 1/2 stone over weight. I've now been on them 16 months and they are not having any effect on me, apart from gaining weight. My depression has got considerably worse which is not helped by the weight issue, so I have been to see my Doctor, Who wants to change my tablets to Venlafaxine. But even though I need to come off the mirtazapine I'm scared of the transition. I'm scared of what side effects I'll get with it. I've read it can disturb your sleep pattern, make you anxious and gain weight, I'm not sure if this a right fit for me and I've not heard many positive things about it.

Any pearls of wisdom?? please help

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6 Replies

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    Changing meds can always be a hard time especially when you read so much negative comments about venlafaxine

    I have been on 225mg for 3 years and I recently stopped taking them with no side effects at all.I can honestly say while I was in a bad place this drug saved me! It was the best medication I ever tried and would recommend it over any of the other antidepressants

    Some people have side effects but I truly think that some positive thinking and not dwelling on the fact you may get side effects or it may not work will do you the world of good.Give them a try and get on with life, don't think about side effects unless they happen

    I do wish you luck and for the record I stopped taking venlafaxine 3 weeks ago currently I take

    anti psychotics


    However I will be on concerta for a while I can concentrate for hours on it but would like to come off the psychotics but one step at a time

    • Posted

      Forgot to add:

      Weight gain: I am the leanest I have ever been on venlafaxine so weight gain I never got, if you feed the fire it will only get bigger! What I am saying is watch your diet and exercise you will be fine, those who don't exercise normally add pounds per year anyway

      Sleep- wow some insane dreams but by god i loved them..I seemed to sleep all night but dream forever it was like a Stephen king novel wish I had wrote it all down

      If you want info on exercise and diet I can give for free I am a fully qualified coach and happy to help!

    • Posted

      Thanks for the advice, hope there as affective for me as they were for you.
  • Posted

    Michelle I have been on them for over 20 years I am currently in the process of changing but they worked great for me no side effects at all some ppl have had bad experiences but we R all diff and I can tell U that I no so many ppl who have responded greatly on them. I can't Make UR decision but if UR doctor thinks they R a good option chances R he is right, U may have to come off UR other ones first but they R not working and they will out U on a small dose at first and c how U go. I'm actualky Gonna ask about UR ones I hope all goes well PLS let me no x
    • Posted

      Wow 20 years, hope they work as well for me. Thanks for the advice, it's helped put my mind at ease. How long was it before they started to work?

      If you go on mirtazapine be prepared for the weight gain and they make you dozy so best take them at night about an hour before you go to bed.

    • Posted

      To b honest Michelle I can't remember but as with most they always say up to 2 weeks to feel full effects. But I'm sure someone else will b able to tell U. i was n fluoxetine b4 these but as far I remember they worked very quickly for me. Good luck

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