
Posted , 3 users are following.

Hi all I just wondered if anybody else has suffered bad dreams and nightmares as a side effect of Sertraline. Some of my nightmares are really disturbing and can put me out for a whole day. has anyone else experienced this? Other than that the side effects have been pretty minimal.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    When my doctor increased my dosage to 50mg I noticed that I started having awful dreams they seemed so vivid but as time passed they went away thank god. So hang in there
    • Posted

      I go through phases of having nightmares anyway so wasn't sure if it was me or the Sertraline!! Hopefully it'll get better like yours
  • Posted

    Hi Sapphire07,

    I have not had dreams/nightmares since I was a child but I have noticed that since starting Sertraline in February I have been having them every night, to the point where I woke myself up one night by kicking out (playing football!). I guess this is some kind of side effect as I have seen other people mention vivid dreams on this site.

    • Posted

      That's ok then as long as I'm not the only one!! It's a bit weird waking up in floods of tears about something that hasn't even happened 😂

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