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So sick of this. Been sober before.I hate AA cause all the men wanna get in my pants! I need a real way. Yes I have been to womens groups too!


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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you talked to your doctor about your drinking problem? There are other options out there.
  • Posted

    Not a great time for your Sunnyday. Somehow, you need a change and perhaps you a close friend or familiy around you?? please tell us more about your background and situation and we might be able to give you advice. Waiting to hear from you.  Regards Robin
  • Posted

    You have made me laugh lol..but it's serious stuff. Yes I agree there are a lot of men, and women, that treat AA like a dating club. And there are a few bitchy women. I don't mind aa, as there's a lot of the literature that is good and has helped me, to some extent. Some of it a bit dated though. What I don't like, apart from already meantioned, is feeling under pressure to share. Wish they did small groups as I don't like talking to loads of people about my problems!

    i only go to groups where I know there are girlfriends I can trust or very old men that I can sit with so I don't feel vulnerable. No women's meetings in my area unfortunately. 

    Hope you can let us know how you're struggling so you can get some good feedback smile

    • Posted

      "Yes I agree there are a lot of men, and women, that treat AA like a dating club. And there are a few bitchy women"

      Hmmnn... This AA thing is starting to sound more interesting, not to help with sobriety, more of a friends with benefits club.

      Unfortunately I don't believe in god, and nearly every venue around my way, by quite a few miles, is in a church.

      I also get the feeling that it wouldn't exactly be a beauty pageant.

      The above is tongue in cheek, before the feminazis descend upon me.

    • Posted

      Yeah, I think there are lots of people that are jonesin' for those endorphins. Don't they warn you about "falling in like" with people at AA meetings? 
    • Posted

      you have not lost you sense of humor RHGB!! I love your post!! Good advice to all us!! Robin
    • Posted


      ​"tongue in cheek" it may be, but also very funny, especially the "friends with benefits" part!!. Like Robin says good to know you've not lost your sense of humour!!

  • Posted

    Check some churches in your area.  Right now a lot are having sessions on Celebrate Recovery.  It goes beyond alcohol problems but that is the main focus.  I'm so much more comfortable there and MOST will separate the women and men.  Just a thought.  After they finish their 25 week session I'll carry on from there on what I think is best.
  • Posted

    Oh, P.S there are also churches that have recovery classes.  I guess that's if you believe in God.  I'm not overly religious but I do believe God is my higher power!
    • Posted

      HEllo Kelly, I am not a strong believer but somebody was watching over me when I crashed my car in France in 1995 at 90 miles per hour, smashed into the steel cenral barrier, overturned the car at 180 degrees AND slided on the roof 31.5Metres and stopped!! I went to hospital with internal bleedings, 2 broken ribs and some superficial cuts and not even a head ache!! A miracle for certain and a strong car!! Robin
    • Posted

      Yes, it certainly sounds that way!  Glad to hear you're O.K.  If you're not a firm believer of AA I suggest you look into churches that hold recovery classes.  You have a less chance of being hit on by men, lol.  Also, you can contact your local alcohol & rehab counseling.  Have one on one at first and see what they suggest.  I'm a pro when it comes to giving advice.  I just need to take my own.  I put myself in rehab in 2002.  Stayed sober 11 years and blew it in 2013.  My date to get back on track is 2-24.  The same date I put myself in rehab 14 years ago.  I only became a reall believer in God when I took a ton of Xanax and tried to drink myself to death.  I woke up for a reason.  Hang in there!  I'd love to hear your entire story especially how long you've drank and your sober periods. smile
  • Posted

    Sunny...wondering how you are doing? 

    I used to hate AA too..but then I had no where to go...you really cant chatter in church...although church is good for ANYONE....

    I then had no where to turn in 2005 and reluctantly went back to AA.  But, when I went back...I went back with the idea that my total focus was going to be to listen to the topics on hand and find my message.  Because there is always a message for you in a meeting ..ALWAYS.  I went for 6 years...I met very good GIRLFRIENDS (I'm female).  I had guys hitting on me always and I had a single response for each time.

    "I do not want to offend you but I am here to focus on myself and AA...I CANNOT let MEN distract me...but thank you for the compliment." 

    That was a turning point for me in AA...I felt stronger and in CONTROL. The men that had approached me began to RESPECT me and then I was also able to converse with them from time to time....with them KNOWING I was not going to DATE them or FLIRT with them.

    I then looked forward to the next guy hitting on me so I could put him in his place and build my confidence and respect even higher.  Again, AA is a great place to meet woman friends and to have somewhere to go when you are feeling alone or like you want to drink.  I HATED it more than you at one time and I grew to make it my friend because I TOOK MY POWER back.

    I say give it one more try using my method.   I currently am not going to AA.  So I'm not an AA pusher.  I am just telling you from one heavy drinker to another...having a place to go like that SAVED MY LIFE and what I WAS DOING (how I was trying to quit) wasn't working so I was FORCED to do the thing they say does work....something that I wouldn't normally do and for me that was try that F;ing AA place again.

    Just think about it....


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