Drinking wine

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has anyone tried to drink wine? it makes feel worse

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14 Replies

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    Nooooo it puts me to sleep so, I don't feel anything! ha...trying to keep some humor here. Just cried coming home from the grocery store! This sucks...!!

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    hi - it was explained to me that our liver/gallbladder is very taxed during all this hormonal depletion so when you drink it only puts more strain on an already overworked organ - the same goes for eating really sweet desert - i had a piece of store bought pie with crumbs on top & i almost died with gas pain then bad explosive you know what...really trying to find the silver lining in all of this - i dont drink my wine or eat desert & i still gain weight - ugh!

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    yes I still have a drink on a Saturday it's only thing i look forward to nowadays but sends my anxiety through the roof and heart rate just carnt cope with it all !!!

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    Tried red wine for the antioxidants in it hoping it would be good for its anti aging effects for my complexion but only a small amount in a glass like 6 ozs . It made me sleepy but I think i was more emotional /sensitive the next day. i also wasnt very productive and couldn't get motivated . i loved the taste though . Just have anxiety and dont think this is going to be a good thing on top of peri menopause. I'm thinking yoga and riding a stationary bike might make me feel more empowerd and in control of what this peri is doing to me.

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    hi jaynie i get the worse hot flashes and headaches if i take one sip of wine

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    Yes! Never used to be but alcohol seems so much more personified now!!!

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    Wine relaxes me and gets rid of my anxiety that keeps me up all night. Ugh!! I hate when I can't sleep and I think about everything that's happened over the course of my entire life. Only wine helps.

  • Posted

    Morning Jaynie, Was it red wine, it’s the sulfates and tannins that jack ass up when we drink red wine during menopause. If it was white wine, its more than likely the sugars. I used to love red wine, but had to quit the reaction after meno, actually I had two glasses yesterday, surprisingly it didn’t bother me. But actually it did because I had inflammation afterwards. GRRRRRR! thinking of you 😉

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    hi Lisa & Jaynie - My friend told me that european wines dont have the sulfites in them...i have yet to try & of course organic wines dont, but havent tried that either - i am with you Lisa, alcohol & sugar makes my achy body worse from inflammation -

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      Hi Debra, I think I heard that along time ago , TY. It would be nice to be able to enjoy one thing without backlash 😉

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      im about done with it all i tried different kinds. no matter what i may feel a little relaxed but the reprocussion is horrible i feel so bad for days after. i thought maybe a tempory solution just not worth it..tx ladies for the feedback. i send hugs and prayers to u all

  • Posted

    yes i hear you on the backlash...not fun - now my chiropractor wants me to give up gluten, dairy & sugar....i guess its chicken & spinach & a lovely bottle of sparkling water for me - Ai yi yi!

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      ep i guess after all the years of period bloat and cramps and pms child birth all that wasnt enough now when we are older this ..and no fun no good food and lots of water. yep what a life...lots of hugs to u

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