Driving problem.

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HI is anyone having problems driving i am struggling with balance and focusing on a long straight road .

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi angi, Yes...I also have a lot trouble with cars coming from the other direction...when they zip by...my brain and eyes go whoozy. Trees zipping by is the same. If I am a passenger, I feel motion sickness. Once, I did have a vertigo attack while driving...everything spun around briefly. Very scary. When the car stops, do you still feel in motion? I do. I am seeing a specialist who has diagnosed me with vestibular migraine...pending balance testing I am doing tomorrow. My occasional migraines became chronic since peri...they my unbalanced feelings kicked in. I am on a migraine prevention med now.

  • Posted

    Absolutely! Can't drive at night, in rain or snow without white knuckling it. Terribly debilitating and depressing.

  • Posted

    oh yes.That is how this all started for me. I was driving to work and suddenly felt like I was floating and I didn't know if I was going to pass out or what so I pulled off the road. I was eventually able to get back on the road and make it the rest of the way to work but still felt weird. Same thing happened on my way home that day. That was in March and I haven't driven much since because every time I try I feel very strange.

  • Posted

    Hi Angi,

    For sure! Lets see...... Last summer coming to work I had a police officer behind stopped at a red light night, I felt suddenly confused and thought the light turned green and went right through the red light. Police officer pulled me over and I asked me how the hell I did that? I certainly wanted to say peri/meno but he would just laugh at me. I just said, I thought it was green, sorry. He let me go, thank god. Then in November, coming home from work, I slammed right into the back end of a pick up truck. Never saw it coming and totaled my SUV "First Car Accident I ever had." All this due to BRAIN FOG. Now I'm finding that I have to be extra cautious 24/7 because I get dizzy a lot, etc. I'm always bumping into walls, dropping stuff, tripping over my own two feet. I've even fallen down my stairs at home. And to top it off I have a s****y landlord that doesn't plow the driveway and is icy all the time. I am definitely a accident waiting to happen.

    • Posted

      OMG Theresa! I bang into stuff all the time. I have opened doors and knocked my glasses off. when I reached back to get my seat belt...slam my face into the car window. Other mishaps too. I go to pick up my son and one town I drive through has tons of police driving around. My luck, one is usually behind me. I get all nerved up because I am afraid I am swaying down the road. 25 years of driving, not even a parking ticket. after reading your post I will be white knuckling it today 😉

  • Posted

    I know, isn't it crazy what we're going through. I can get the best nights rest and I still spend the next day floating. I often feel like I'm outside my body floating in the air and I can see everything I'm doing. It's freken freaky. I feel drunk! Wish I were most of the time, I might act normal..... lol

    • Posted

      Theresa, I have this same floaty feeling all the time too now! It too freaks me out. I feel like I'm always one drink away from being drunk and I've not had any alcohol! It totally controls me. Makes me so sad... and mad. I'm sad because I know what I used to be and what I used to be able to do and mad because it has stolen so much away from me. I'm 56 and I started menopause at age 48. This floaty/ dizzy/ off balance thing kicked 3 years ago approximately.

    • Posted

      Hi Nettie,

      Good Lord, I hope you're coming to the end soon. I just started BHRT and it is helping but I still have bad days. I hate to say this, and I was never a huge drinker, but..... The last 4 years have been peri hell, and the only comfort I was finding was to drink. I talked to my doctor about this too..... But yes, when sober I feel off balance, brain fog, like I'm drunk. But once I have a few drinks, say after work and/or on the weekends, I can function better. In fact I have no peri symptoms at all. But since I started the BHRT treatment I find that I'm myself again and not needing alcohol to find some relief. My doctor is amazing, he wants to know everything that we're going through. I've discuss this forum with him and he was amazed to learn how bad Peri Meno is treating us ladies. Like you said, it literally disables us from living a normal life. I feel bad for the women out there who don't realize they're going through peri, and are being told they suffer from Mental Illness, therefore, some women have been known to commit suicide and I get why they would. Awareness, awareness, awareness, awareness...... Thank god we have each other. My doctor did tell me, "I call him my PERI LORD" that I was one of his worse cases he's ever had. But I'm just like all of you on this forum. HUGS

    • Posted

      same her nettie!!) i get sick of having to hold on to things to walk!!!!! i feel like i need to crawl instead of walk!!! 😦

      i was scared to death to shower and wash my hair last night ... i just felt so off.. again!!!

      i get mad and sad too....

    • Posted

      I've cut back to showering every other day because of the balance issues. I hate having to do this but when one feels like they are going to topple over all the time, you do what you have to do! Sending a big air hug!

    • Posted

      exactly , friend!!!! i totally am right there with ya!!! air hugs right back!!!


  • Edited

    I have been reading all the replies.... Very worrisome for you all. I am on Everol Sequi patch and I feel almost as good as I felt in my 30's and 40's....am now 51.

    So if you are not on HRT perhaps consider it? Health allowing of course.

    • Posted

      Hi Cloutie,

      I started BHRT Treatment on December 4th and its helping but my symptoms still come and go. Every 3rd week of the month is a nightmare. I had a hysterectomy in June of 2013. I started menopause between 43 and 45 years of age, I'll be 53 in April. The last 4 years have been Peri Hell. I'm not giving up on the BHRT, I'll take a bad week vs everyday. I go go for treatments every 3 to 4 months.

    • Posted

      Hi Theresa

      Give yourself a bit of time on the HRT.... Your body takes a while to adapt. Do you take supplements like calcium and magnesium? I find a combination tablet with both those ingredients and with zinc helps me too. I also up my vitamin B.... Seems to help.

  • Posted

    Hi Angi

    Anxiety probably plays a part in our vision and balance whilst going through peri, menopause or post-menopausal. However, it is worth getting your eyes tested, check out your blood pressure in case it is a bit raised, and generally review your diet. There could be a balance issue as described by another forum member here - certainly my sister who is in her 40's has developed balance/dizzy issues as she has reached her 40's.

    Certainly as I have reached my 50's, I have become more anxious driving and have lost a bit of confidence. But I think it's worth doing all the above checks, and then review any anxiety issues that may be affecting you.

    All the best..

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