Drs can't find anything. Im desperate

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Female. 20 years old. 60kg 161cm

About 2 years ago I started feeling sick. First I went to the cardiologist because of chest pain and cramps; he did an electrocardiogram and everything looked good, also he sent some urine and blood tests. Everything was fine, except for the urine test wich showed an infection.

A week later still sick, so I went with a diferent doctor who admitted me to the hospital. After a week they found out I have hepatits (any kind, only my transaminases were elevated; about 1090 when the normal is 6-60) I stayed another week in hospital and spent 3 months in my house. 

I continue with fatigue, vomiting, constipated stomach, headach, depression, sometimes I cant feel my legs, tachycardia, some nights I cant sleep others I cant wake up because Im so tired, red pee (its not blood), diarreah, my apetite is fine.

Also a year later they took out my gallblader; I started vomiting bilis. 

Every single exam shows no signs of anything; blood work, urine tests, CTscan, X-Rays, endoscpies, digestive tract tests.

I have even been tested for diabetes and it was negative.

What drives me nuts is my stomach, Its very constipated to the point it really hurts. 

Also I have been to millions of doctors; every single one of them gave a different opinion and a different diagnosis.

Please help me, anything would help

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi sound horrible. Try foods that is high in  fiber and eat activia 3 a day this would regulate your poo and get your digestive track back in sync. You need to drink water .
  • Posted

    I;m sorry your not well. and I truy feel for you.  for your constipation, try fresh pineapple and papaya with coconut water in a blender.  change your diet to very simple foods without spice.  eat non dairy yoguarts and drink bottled water.  stay away from heavy foods.  treat yourself like a baby and eat like one for a moment and see if there is a change.  just try it.  take care honey.  start over
  • Posted

    the are good yogurts out there.  try one make from coconut milk,  its very benenifical.  go to whole foods.  they have it.  COCONUT MILK YOGURT.
  • Posted

    Morning, i think that is very good to rethink your diet and try to stay away from wheat product, eat plenty of probiotic and digestive enzymes because you have to think about getting your gut back into its natural flow
    • Posted

      I am lactose and wheat intolerant but have never tried the enzymes. Do they help and any suggestions x x 
    • Posted

      Yes the enzymes aid with digestion and the probiotics also . You can do activia or acidophilus , you can also do a papaya chewable for enzymes they are really nice.
    • Posted

      A great milk to use is oat milk with or without vanilla , i prefer without or rice milk both are great .
    • Posted

      How long have you been lactose intolerant and do know for sure that you still are? 
  • Posted

    How long have you been lactose intolerant? Do you know for sure that you still are
  • Posted

    That was meant for worrychick sorry
    • Posted

      I guess a couple of years as did not know what was causing nausea and intestinal swelling and tummy ache for months and months x treated for acid! Gave up wheat and dairy and spasms stopped but still had nausea so stool test which revealed aero hydrophila infection x anti biotics stopped nausea but didn't stop symptoms when I tried to return so stick to fodmap now and use wheat free products and almond unsweetened milk and no onions garlic or stoned fruit only berries x x  
  • Posted

    some fruits are not good for you when your in this state.  stick to one thing at a time so you know for sure what works and what doesn't.  no flour products at all.  blueberries are excellent.  they will help you.  but just don't do it today, then you stop tomorrow, stick with what works.  there are going to be times when you eliminate a food it not just for then, it more than likely will be for life.  changes need to take place in order to help yourself.  

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