Drs saying im to young.
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I would appreciate any replies. I am 37 in a week. I have been suffering with terrible hot flushes and night sweats since having my daughter who is now almost 4. Over the last few years my periods have gotten further and further apart. Im still waiting to have one after my last one which was 70 days ago. Im so fed up of the sore breasts and feeling like im going to have one but it never comes. Im not sleeping well either! Ive tried several antidepressants due to anxiety. I just never feel right and these hot flushes make me feel awful! I ache all the time.... Just dont know whats wrong with me. The drs are saying to me that im to young to be going through any change..... Feel like im going crazy!
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barbara49965 alison81137
Why dont you try a find a well women clinic, you should have one
in your area, they are so helpful & supportive in what you can & cant have. My sister started HRT when she was 35. I think its wrong for a doctor to say 'your too young!'
Good luck Alison X
catts123 alison81137
im so sorry to hear how you are suffering but unfortunately u could be in the peri menopause.im 38 and havent had a period in 2yrs and i was gettin terrible night sweats and my mood was very low and i was suffering with anxiety attacks.i had my bloods done to check my hormone levels and my estrogen levels were very low so the doc told me i was in the menopause.i didnt take hrt at the beginning but i had to give in in the end and start it.im on a low dose hrt and i have to say it is making a difference.im not as i would say " back to myself" but it is helping a bit.you should maybe ask ur doc to either refer you to a gynea or ask him to check your hormone levels.
Being in the menopause at this age was something i would never have imagined and i know that feeling to well when you feel crazy..
If your own doc isnt helpful try another one or a womans clinic where they will help.
I wish you all the best xxx
susan21149 alison81137
this is how i have been feeling not being able to sleep feeling hot than cold then the nose bleeds
I am tired from not sleeping
ellacraig alison81137
I finally got a dr to agree to bloods fsh and LH BUT she neglected to tell me one should do these tests on the third day of your cycle to get accurate results. SEE they don't believe us firstly and we have to do this research on our own to give the tests their best shot at working.
fyi I totally believe you are in peri I really do.
I think go to a health shop and they will give you a hormone balancing formula. I'd take that over hrt any day
alison81137 ellacraig
ellacraig alison81137
ellacraig alison81137
alison81137 ellacraig
ellacraig alison81137
alison81137 ellacraig
ellacraig alison81137
let me know how yours go too
ellacraig alison81137
Ps no one our age should be missing periods so good your dr agreed to test you. Just make sure you get the tests done on the right days
ellacraig alison81137
as promised I got my results...
dr has ignored them... Go figure!
so I sent them to a lady who treats women with natural hormone therapy.
she said the results did in fact indicate that my fsh was high trying to release an egg but my low LH stops it.. Il research more but if I trust anyone I trust her over dRs who poo poo over us dismissing our symptoms because of our age...
so for me I'd say I'm definitely in peri and I suspect your further along.
if it helps I was told to get the fsh and LH tests done day 3 but get estradiol and progesterone done seven days before your next period is due to start
alison81137 ellacraig
Wow u got ur results fast....im guessing ur not in the UK!
So where r u going from here?
My trouble with getting bloods done is I dont know when im going to have a period! Still cant believe I havent had one! Im so anxious about it and thinking the worst!
ellacraig alison81137
I hear you though, for you it is harder not knowing when you will get it. But it seems like you are in meno, what are thinking is the worst?
Id be more worried if i was bleeding inbetween periods etc and it could be something like a disease you know :s i know meno is aweful for our age but it could be worse
i go nowhere from here really. theres no real definitive answer, but it all points toward early meno, the lady told me to take vitex to balance hormones and thats it. for you i think a more agressive herbal routine, id keep away from hrt!
alison81137 ellacraig
What is vitex? Im going to have to look into natural remedies to balance hormones
ellacraig alison81137
But yeh extra bleeding is more of a concern