Dry and itchy skin. Dry mouth
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Past few days I'm getting dry mouth/lips and dry skin. No matter how much water I drink, I still feel the dryness in my eyes,
I've been to the doctors but they can't find anything serious.
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pamela2016 Kadija1966
i have dryness everything skin,eyes, mouth,vagina its horrible i wake up every morning my eyes and mouth is so dry like i been left out in the desert. i haven't found anything to help i drink plenty of water daily and powerades.
tessa07451 Kadija1966
hi i suffer with dry mouth and eyes i use systane ultra eyedrops recommend by the optition also xylimelts for dry mouth you can put one or two in your mouth before you go to sleep and they keep your mouth moist overnight
cindy17746 Kadija1966
I am similar. Everything feels dry and burning- especially my eyes.
It's really horrible these menopause symptoms. Luckily since Saturday I'm symptoms free. Thank God I can feel a bit normal.
I cherish those symptoms free days to just chill and be like a normal person.
Kazjo Kadija1966
Hi ladies! Had to respond because dry, hot, burning mouth started when I was about 47 (dry vag started around 53). I'm 55 and very sorry to say, I still have it. No doctor or dentist was even able to attribute my issue to peri-meno but I'm sure of it. What else could it be? I distrust our (US) medical practioners because even the women dr/dentists could not figure out that this could be/is a peri side effect. Some days are worse than others but I just live with it. I HAVE to use Natures Gate toothpaste and can get away with short term using Sensodyne otherwise, if I use normal over the counter toothpaste that I grew up on, I suffer for DAYS with extra dryness and burning. I love sweets but sugar burns my mouth! I must brush as soon as I eat to ease the pain! It's awful. I'm post meno now and just started last night on Prometrium (progesterone) and Estradiol because I'd rather die in 5 years of cancer (I think I'm on bio-identicals which should not kill me, but I'm not sure of anything any more!) than do another day of dry vag/painful sex and hot flashes. I doubt my dry mouth will ever go away. Directions said take the prometrium at night and it made me very dizzy/fuzzy vision/tired so I slept right away but woke up at 1:30 AM with terrible night sweats. I laid there and cried for a few hours and never got back to sleep. I must give it time but the night sweats just stopped on their own about 3 weeks ago and I started sleeping well again...and now this. I don't know why my gyno did not suggest bio-identicals earlier!! I decided on my own yesterday because I was at the end of my damn rope... and she prescribed them. BTW, she called them in to my local CVS pharmacy. When I got there, the price for a months supply was $63 (I have no insurance) and I said to pharm girl, are there any discounts? OMG, she whipped out her cellphone and went on her GoodRX.com app and my priced dropped to $32! That changed the course of my day, which had been very bad. Bless that fabulous woman!! So, I'll try this course of action and see if things improve. I'm trying to think positive and want to say to you all to also stay positive as well. It's hell but we can make it better for ourselves. We have to. My hot flashes/night sweats come and go in cycles so that is some good news. I'm praying the bio-identicals will fix the dry vag, tho...we'll see. Eat well. Exercise. Have alone time. Take baths and care for you skin and hair, do things you really enjoy. All that helps, I promise you. Hugs to you all. -K