Dry burning vaginal
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Hi all. My periods have officially gone wacky. I'll have a couple of 24 day cycles and then I'll have a 19 day cycle. This last one was 19 days and right after my period ended I suddenly got major vaginal dryness. but it also burned. Is this normal? Thanks.
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jamie37119 laura26665
I can't speak for vaginal dryness but have wacky periods...they went from every fortnight to dragging back out to every 25 days now back to every three weeks...they were only going for three days now they are back to five days....so over it.
nancys21 laura26665
Sounds "normal" to me. I've had itching/burning. Not so much dry there as other places. I'm post menopausal though, and it has gotten much better. Peri was hell! My periods were like that too. Two years of awful periods.
pinkcatfairy laura26665
Dear Laura
Im four years post meno and i get the odd drymess down there and occasionally the burning too but it comes and goes but only mild burning but i am aware of it when it happens!
sunaina1983 laura26665
Yes i think its normal and part of peri.
Plzz try COCONUT OIL..its helpful to me..help me to get rid of dryness and itching .
laura26665 sunaina1983
Do you apply the coconut oil daily or just when needed?
sunaina1983 laura26665
i use coconut oil twice week dear.
Carolyn09280 laura26665
I still get regular periods but I have the burning from time to time. It isn't severe enough to seek treatment but just annoying. I find that if I put anything on it things worsen so just best to leave it alone and wait. It seems to happen about every 3-4 months for me. Usually after the period- think it might be aggravation from pads/tampons? But definitely hormonal too. So annoying. Never had any issues down there until my 40s! Peri does suck. I hope this is normal b/c I don't know what else it could be.
laura26665 Carolyn09280
I bet tampons may have something to do with it.
Thank you for your responses. I have and appointment with my doctor next month. Got this question plus more for her. Ugh!