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Hi, ladies,
As most of us during this phase, I am learning as I go... So, sometimes I figure out something that may be of interest to someone else, and maybe it is worth to share.
About 2 years ago I had an eye infection and the doctor told me I had dry eyes :S. That is a condition that may improve and even desappear over time - or not - and I guess in some cases, it is totally related to PERI. I have noticed that in my case it got worse as my other symptoms got worse and that my under eyelids become less puffy whenever I get relieve of the other symptoms... Well, most of us would buy whatever to make it looks better, but I learned from my experience, that the most usefull is to use a good eye drop for dry eyes But avoid the cheap ones, as per my opthalmologist.
I hope it helps, please, let me know...
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Jan999 BellaRubia
donna38794 BellaRubia
annieschaefer BellaRubia
I had this happen to me 2 yrs ago. The opthalmologist failed to put 2 and 2 together for me. Had me on some very expensive eye drops that really didn't help. Also had told me I would most likely not be able to wear my contacts any longer. Along with that, there were subtle changes in my vision, quite scary for a bit. Changed doctors and thankfully the new one shared with me that this is very common and not to panic. Oh those majic words. I switched to an over the counter, non preservative type eye drop and as far as vision goes, my contact strength hasn't changed in over a year. Thanks for posting this as I wish someone had prior to my finding new doctor, it was quite alarming! Hugs to you!
Annie xx
kerry91 BellaRubia
This is a horrible symptom, but one I think we can treat naturally. Evening primrose, vit E and Omega 3s are recommended for keeping the dryness away (everywhere!)