dry itchy puffy eyes

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Hi ladies any tips on dealing with dry itchy puffy eyes. Am using optrex spray as natural tears didn't work but having no effect!!😕

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Tina...i live on the gold coast qld and found my eyes were getting dry and itchy because of the aircon and weather. I found cool cumber slices helped sooth and depuff....also cool chamomile teabags. Hope it helps smile
  • Posted

    I have that also. Tried everything..been using Vasoline at night and that seems to be helping. Hope that helps you!!
  • Posted

    Hi Tina I bathe mine with saltwater that eases them. A tiny bit of normal salt and warm water and cotton wool.
  • Posted

    I find eye make up wipes or cotton pads soaked in make up remover calms my itchy watery puffy eyes!

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