Dry mouth

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I am 51. I have developed a very dry mouth since yesterday and early this morning started urinating very frequently. Haven't had this issue before. Also have creepy, burning sensation all over. Had sugar levels tested about 4 months ago. All was fine so don't know if this could be onset of menopause or maybe symptoms of diabetes

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hhi pawpaw i have that on and off a lot i put it down to menapause
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      Do I get tested for diabetes again. It's been one symptom after the other and I'm worried. My doctor doesn't go back to work until after the Christmas break now so I have to wait


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      I havnt i tink its menapause it come and gose same as rest of millions of annoying symptoms im coming back as a man fact
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      Lol I'm coming back as a man too. All these symptoms freak you out. So many symptoms that get you thinking you are dying of something more sinister.
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    Hi Pawpaw,

    I was tested several times from about 48 to 50 for diabetes and all is well.

    I haven't had a period now for two years but still awful dry mouth and thirst. I get up a couple of times a night to drink and go to the loo.

    I also go to the loo go out to the shops and almost as soon as I get there I need to go again! I have said it seems like all the liquid I drink goes straight out the other end without hydrating me at all.

    I started HRT six weeks ago, quite a few symptoms have improved but so far not this.

    Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Thanks so much. Everything seemed to happen all of a sudden. Didn't know what to do. Grateful for this forum
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      Hi zigangie can i ask what symptoms have improved not sure wether to ho on hrt or not thankyou
    • Posted

      Hi Bev,

      I went through the peri on anti psychotics, anti depressants and sleeping pills. Although I knew I was in peri from a blood test I hadn't researched it and no doctor ever said any of my symptoms could be to do with it.

      My sex life suffered and as this is a side effect from these medications I thought that was why.

      So I went through the menopause, periods stopped at 51. I was hot all the time although I only had a few hot flushes a day I was just generally very hot. By the time I had been without a period for about a year it was more than uninterested in sex it was painful and I could no longer have an orgasm. Really that was the only problem that I couldn't deal with.

      They recommend testosterone for lack of libido and it is only tibolone that has any in. So my doctor put me on that. It didn't really agree with me and I had some horrible breathing problems when I was on it.

      When I was reading I came upon professor John Studd's pages and he recommends oestrogel and Utrogestan as they are more bio identical. (Tibolone is synthetic) he also recommends testosterone but my doctor would not test for or prescribe it (there is no licenced product containing testosterone for women). So I order it from Australia. My doctor was happy to prescribe the other two products.

      My sex life has improved massively, back pretty much to what it was in my early 40s (so a very happy husband too).

      Utrogestan is better for sleep than a lot of sleeping pills I've taken. I'm not so on edge all the time a lot of aches and pains have gone.

      I've gone back to my usual cold self which is fine by me as I really didn't enjoy always being so hot. I haven't had a hot flush since about day 3 of the oestrogel.

      This is the best December for depression for about 11 years.

      I did still have a bit of vaginal dryness during the first month but that has improved a lot this week. I've only been on it 6 weeks but so far I would recommend it.

      Hope this helps.

  • Posted

    I was going to suggest Diabetes to be honest the moment I read your first sentence. Perhaps you should have it rechecked. Good Luck x
    • Posted

      Just got back from doctors. Was worried so went to another GP that was open over holiday period.  Blood test showed definitely not diabetes. I guess I'll have to slowly eliminate things. Thanks for your suggestion though. He also took blood and urine sample to determine hormone levels. Those results come in later.
    • Posted

      Well I am glad I was wrong and hope it puts your mind at ease so you can enjoy the holidays without that on your shoulders. Fingers crossed it gets sorted out soon for you, xx
    • Posted

      I did do a little reading the other day about dry mouth and thirst. It is to do with meno. You can have things prescribed to help if it gets bad. I have found always having a sweet in my bag is helpful if i go out also just swishing water around my mouth sometimes makes it feel less dry than actually drinking it.
  • Posted

    Hi pawpaw just seen your post I too have developed a very dry mouth but I don't know if it's caused by channel blockers which I was prescribed about 4  months ago. I have stopped taking them for about 2 weeks now but I still have a wry dry mouth in bed when I'm trying to get to sleep I just feel like my tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth I also have a sore there too been to dentist he said its nothing and probable caused by my new medication I'm also due to have a deviated septrum minor operation and because I was breathing through my mouth all the time that could of caused my dry mouth. It's very annoying when you try to get to sleep and it feels like that most of the day too. Oh well I suppose I could put it down to just another menopause symptom lol
  • Posted

    All symptoms gone. It was all a result of acupuncture I've been having for sciatica. Didn't feel the first two treatments but the third wiped me out with fever and all. A total detox and then it all came good. Hope all you ladies feel better. 

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