Dry Mouth and Eyes, with Peri/Meno...
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Hi everyone,so this is every night mouth so dry I need water just to get my tongue unstuck, eyes so dry I keep them shut until I make it to the sink to splash water on them to moisten them back up, I mean 0% moisture in mouth and eyes... I'm not dry downstairs yet but if this is what I have to look forward to sign me off now I want no part ugggh .. Is this extreme dryness at night all normal.. Anyone else experiencing this to this degree???
2 likes, 15 replies
michelle92591 Gypsy014
Yes, dry eyes and mouth! It's not pleasant. My well downstairs has not totally dried up yet, but I'm sure that's next.
Gypsy014 michelle92591
Guest Gypsy014
Gypsy014 Guest
I will try a small humidifier at my bedside, I'm a mouth breather so maybe it makes it worse.. Did you or do you still have the dry eyes and mouth too, and do you know if it gets better? This is one symptom that seems to stay with me..thanks Suzanne!
Guest Gypsy014
I always have dry mouth at night because I'm a mouth breather too. And we always have the room very air conditioned because of the sweating at night. So that makes the air dryer too. I haven't had dry eyes. Sometimes dry mouth and eyes goes along with Sjogrens. My mother has that. There are drops you can get for dry eye, the ones that jennifer aniston promotes on TV might help.
Gypsy014 Guest
maria76995 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 maria76995
Oh Maria , that's great news! I haven't heard from you in a while, so glad your out and about mixing again with people.. I'm not there yet I do what I need to do and get right back home, anxiety and the hustle and bustle still all too much for me, I'm at piece at home by myself still.. Well you give me hope.. I just wish I knew if I was peri or post, but I will never know without periods from hysterectomy, I can only go by symptoms.. Aslo glad to hear the dryness eases up this is horrible, take care Maria and thanks for the reply?
maria76995 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy,yes that will be difficult having hysterectomy my mum had the same so I couldn't go by her or my Aunt..I know the horrible MENO I'm so glad I'm getting sleep again but wish the hotflashes would stop at night I'm so hot in bed I normally have a fan but it pack up on me..get another one next week,if you look good nothing is for ever it takes time it will drive up us mad but it's just transition we have to get through keep intouch let me know how you are doing from time time God bless.
katyD211 Gypsy014
No mouth issues- yet.
Gypsy014 katyD211
Hi Katy, yes eye doctor said same exact thing to me back in Feb your eyes look great except for very dry looking.. I know I suffer bad I told her.. I don't know how perfect they can look both have astigmatism making it very hard to see at night and the dryness is a double whammy... And the mouth feels like I have a sock stuck in it, at night lol while sleeping, its so uncomfortable, I'm going to have to try the humidifier while sleeping since I do mouth breathe.. Thanks Katy for your reply ?
mauiblue Gypsy014
water water water is the only help i have
even water did not help as it felt as if i was trying to water a plant that its soil was too dry even to absorb and it would just run off.
Gypsy014 mauiblue
Hi Maui,yes the dryness seems to get you out of the blue.. Some days are worse than others so I think it's a matter of symptoms cycling themselves, you know how some weeks are better for some and others are just awful.. And I noticed winter was bad then when heat shut off for spring and had more humidity in house it was heavenly, even with the joints (no pain) during that period.. Then summer and hot days air goes on and draws out all humidity again and well back to the dry mouth eyes and joint pain.. Thanks for your reply Maui ?
thehotgirl Gypsy014
Hi, Gypsy. Yes, I have seriously dry eyes and have had them for years. But only at night, during the day I seem to be okay. Not great,could stand some improvement, but at night they are bad. Last night I had to put drops in 3 times. Some nights I go straight through with no problem, I have no idea why. Don't ahve the mouth problem, but I have seen some people say to take a couple teaspoons of olive oil before bed, to coat your throat. No idea if it'll work, but olive oil is good for you, so...
But the dry eyes do drive me crazy!
Gypsy014 thehotgirl
Hi hot girl, well it definitely must be a symptom then o f this meno , I too am ok during the day for the most part they just seem to dry more at night.. Good tip on the olive oil I will give a try.. Thank you 😛