dry mouth and lump in the throat feeling
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Hi Ladies
Hope you are all feeling a bit better and looking forward to the weekend.
Im back again with some symptoms thats driving me crazy, feel like something is stuck in my throat, i have also a difficult sensations when i try to swallow or clear my throat, this has been happening for the last few days, i had it over 2 yrs ago when i started going in perimenopause, i also get a sharp pain in left breast, it comes and goes, i also had the same issue two years ago, after a few weeks it went away on its own, and now its back, im not sure if i should go to the doctor, apart from this i feel well and eat well.
my other symptoms are feeling very miserable, it comes and goes kind of mood. im also getting shoulder pains, like tired shoulder, i had a period last week but it seems to make me feel worse.
I do feel bloated, sometimes nausea, this happen 2 weeks ago, its gone now.It seems like there is one type of symptoms after another, it makes me feel stressed and tired as you never when you gonna be ok.
I hope some of you ladies can shed some light on what im going thru now, im so tired of going to doctors and being told they cant find anything.
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Add, i also get dry mouth and drink lots of water but it doesnt help.
breezy26032 Kadija1966
Good morning I'm having the exact issues. I saw the GI he said I have GERD. I also saw the Chiropractor and the first question he ask was; what kind of change(s) going on in your body? I told him perimenopause. I have an appointment for a echo stress test early next week. It's so crazy all these changes. Hang in there you are not alone. I am thankful every day for this site.
Gillian1956 Kadija1966
Hi what your describing sounds like acid reflux / indegestion I get this also burning feeling in chest try some over the counter remedies for it if that's no help to see your doctor
theresa53424 Kadija1966
You're not alone.... 😃 I have the same issues. I'm constantly clearing my throat and feel like there's a fur ball stuck in my throat. This is part of peri. When I started my BHRT treatments my doctor brought this to my attention before I had a chance to ask about it. I will have it for days and then it goes away and then it comes back. I'm constantly drinking water, especially in the morning when I wake up. My mouth is always dry when I wake up. Right now I'm having brain fog while I'm trying to type what I want to say, it's a never ending story. I only trust my doctor who gives me my BHRT pellets, he is amazing. I drive to another state to have treatments done but so worth it. I don't worry as much like I use to and just focus on trusting him and my shrink. I had to some research to find the best provider to help me but its been all worth it. Hopefully I was able to ease your mind a little. Feel free to message me with any questions. 😃
Guest Kadija1966
I am dealing with this now and started like 3 days ago ------> Feel like something is stuck in my throat, i have also a difficult sensations when i try to swallow or clear my throat, this has been happening for the last few days
Takingtime Kadija1966
I had this a couple years ago, mine started with horrible chest pains...I went ER to rule out heart, about a coupke weeks later I had a feeling of lump in the throat, and very tight feeling.It lasted on and off for months, it seemed worse if I was anxious, and the chest pains came and went usually right before my period. I had several different heart tests that were normal....thank goodness.The doctors speculated gerd.what helped me was seeing an osteopath, watching my diet not over eating especially before bed. It is wise to get things checked out that gives you peace of mind giving you less anxiety.
breezy26032 Kadija1966
Good morning Kadija1966 I had my echo stress done yesterday and the result was great. I guess all this chest discomfort is really associated with peri. ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
Kadija1966 breezy26032
Hi Breezy
Good to know your test are all good. i went to see a gynea today, ive been having lower abdominal pains since last week, i have nausea that comes and goes, i feel weak. the lump in the throat feeling have gone, now its a new symptoms. feeling tired and depressed.
The gynea couldnt see anything wrong when she did the ultrasound.