Dry mouth and sore throat
Posted , 6 users are following.
Hi ladies,
Anyone else get dry mouth or throat feels sore but not really, always clearing my throat 😣
2 likes, 8 replies
Posted , 6 users are following.
Hi ladies,
Anyone else get dry mouth or throat feels sore but not really, always clearing my throat 😣
2 likes, 8 replies
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shawnalb gilly_64426
Yes! I have that as my NEW symptom about a few mo now. I clear my throat along bust mostly
in the am. I am 9 mo into no period. I think I've been in this peri phase longer than I realized
even back 5 years or so it was subtle and so I was worried all time about symptoms. Anything out
of the ordinary health wise scares the bajesus out of me.! twitching, anxiety, doom feeling you
cant put your finger on and no real reason to be sad. Feeling really aggravated trying to fall asleep
and restless legs for hours before I can settle down. Reading this forum kept me for going nuts
searching the web. Which I will never do again unless it's minor. It has you dying by next Friday... ridiculous
I felt alone, horribly. Didn't know anyone who complained about this like as many of us who are on this
forum. I hate others are suffering, but it also helps to know it Is or can be hormone related. My mother
had a horrible time with it in her mid/late forties. They say you do similar to your mother in this area.
I was/am right on track. She couldn't work for some weeks or so and had to make herself go back.
I, however do not have the second income, single and 49. So I use a lot of my time at work and went
and got an fmla to be off every couple months I can take 2 flare ups lasting 2 days and not have it hurt
my attendance. Retirement looks better each day. A lot of stress would be off me if I didn't have to
come to work. Not to mention I work in a hospital and I see/read crap all the time and I know just
enough to be dangerous with symptoms lol...
gilly_64426 shawnalb
When did our lives get so complicated😣, my anxiety hit the max last Night. I could not sleep and my husband was snoring so I left the bed and went down to our family room, well my husband felt I didn't want to sleep beside him and he starts on me, not yelling bit asking questions, ( for years he thinks that I was having an affair because my sex drive had decreased ( Peri Menapause ) the name of my partner that's causing this separation 😉
I had to express to him what is happening to me and how difficult it is for me to function like I did 3 years ago,. I told him to Google it 😣
I told him my anxiety is fear of death (doom) impending feeling and I can't shake this feeling,. I can't watch TV, I don't want to hear about someone passing or talk about it.
It must be difficult for you working in a hospital, I would totally loose it 😣, I keep telling myself it's just hormones and all will soon change, I'm greatful for this group, my sanity kept in tac by all the ladies sharing their feelings, cry or laugh we can still share our symptoms , ?
2chr2015 gilly_64426
And I can’t watch any tv that has commercials.
maria_03422 gilly_64426
I went through the same as you a few years back. It will get better! After 8 years of this hell, i can say things start to calm down a bit. Old symptoms disappear and new ones appear but is nothing as severe as before. Im exactly like you as far as health anxiety ! If i watch a movie with someone in it is going to die i start getting so anxious!! My husband, it had enough!! He keeps asking when will be over! In the beginning i had every symptom in the list above, i was in and out of drs offices and hospitals!! Its been a year , im better i dont do that anymore! Also, love to drive again take a walk and travel!! Right now the thing im dealing with is dry nose and sore throat but if i look in my throat is not red at all!! It happened the last 3 months before or after my period!! If it continues i will go see my dr!
My life changed the past 8 years!!! They say peri lasts 10 years!! I guess i have a few more to go!!!
2chr2015 gilly_64426
Gilly and shawna. Both of you have described exactly how I feel to the T. I was talking to an older gentleman this morning and we were discussing how important it is to stay active when you get older, to keep you healthy. And I left there thinking how the heck can that ever happen? I am too exhausted to keep up with my house. I’m 46, sahm, 1 teen left in the house. He keeps me busy, but not busy enough to keep my mind off of the doom and gloom things. I laugh every time I think of that saying about googling your symptoms...3 clicks and your dead. How true that is😮. I’m at this point again right now where I won’t look at myself in the mirror except to put make up on. Just in case I see something that is going to send me over the edge again. I have been here before. How stupid that must sound. But, it’s where I’m at. I’m tired of going to the drs office.
Now to answer your question gilly. It sounds a lot like what I had/have (my symptoms have settled down some). After 3 rounds of antibiotics thinking I had an ear infection that was making my throat hurt, I was referred to an ENT. They did a scope and he said he thinks it’s LPR ( silent reflux). Look up the symptoms. It talks about clearing your throat a lot. Most of mine was on the left side. (Of course I was sure whatever it was, was deadly). BTW I cry every time I go to the dr.
gilly_64426 2chr2015
2chr2015 how ironic you are talking to an older gentleman for advise 😁,
2chr2015 gilly_64426
Edell7329 gilly_64426
Hi, I had that for a couple of months almost 2 years ago. Mouth was very dry and felt like I needed to clear my throat but it wasn't sore. It just went away on its own. looking back I realize what it was. It was at the beginning of this madness so I didn't know it was related to perimenopause.