Dry Mouth and Throat

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Has anyone experienced this lovely symptom - extremely dry mouth and throat...it feels a little bit like acid reflux, like you can't swallow properly. Chewing gum does help, but you can only chew gum for so long! 

I'm 54 and seem to alternate between all the symptoms we discuss on these boards. Just when you think you can't take another second of one symptom, it disappears, only to be replaced by another one that invariably is even worse!

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12 Replies

  • Posted


    Yes i have dry mouth, throat and lips often

    I am 50 post meno.

    Had it all through peri too..

    Lack of hormones 

    Dont get acid relux now, but did during peri sometimes

    Jay x

  • Posted

    Thanks guys! 

    Thank you Jay for your great info re B vitamins - at least I'm now in a good mood to deal with my dry mouth! 

    Margot x

    • Posted

      Hi Margo

      Oh the B6 so helps, i do take 150mg daily, 

      Years ago when i first hit peri, my old GP actually prescribed B6 for the symptoms, but me being me back then didnt bother with them... But after lots of research got some more and they solved my late peri anxiety and emotional state out..

      B12 boosted energy .. 

      All good.

      I still get a blip day but feel tonnes better.

      Jay x

    • Posted

      Hi Jay,

      Reading your posts gives me so much hope that I too eventually will start to feel better! I do have some good days every now and then...

      I'm like you - I research things forever sometimes when I probably should've just tried them. I just get so paranoid sometimes!

      Thank you for taking the time to provide all of us with such helpful info!

      Margot x

    • Posted

      Hi Margot

      Thanks for kind words..

      i also take other supplements that seem to help which the meno body cries out for.

      after a ten year peri and a tough start with it in my case, it has got better, and i keep busy, and accept it, if i get an achey day i just listen to the body and let it rest abit.

      Most says are good, and i dont let it get me down if theres a blip day, i actually feel quite liberated ☺️

      Be kind to yourself 

      Jay x

    • Posted


      Typo.. Should say ' most days are good'

  • Posted

    Hi Margot. Yes, I get dry mouth and throat, especially at night. I take a sports bottle of water to bed with me every night and wake several times with literally no saliva in my mouth. And I too have difficulty swallowing. I can swallow, but it seems to take more effort than it used to. I've had acid reflux as well. Oh, the joys of being a woman !!
  • Posted

    I have had this too, mostly at night, started taking a pint glass of water to bed with me.  All drunk by morning.  Not had it for a few weeks now, one of several symptoms that seem to come and go for me.
    • Posted

      Yes, I have had it like that too, but at the moment I'm conscious of it most of the time - really nasty!
  • Posted

    Hi - Yes.... this is how my journey started. At 49 1/2 years old, I started waking in the middle of the night with dry mouth and sweating. I attribued this perimenopausal symtpoms. But for me.. I started then getting sore throat... this went on for a few months. Went to my ENT doctor who diagnosed me with LPR (a condition simliar to GERDS).  Anyways, after a few months throat symptoms went away and I started getting acid reflux and dry mouth again. Went to speak to a gastrointerlogist and he told me hormones can play a role in reflux.  Especially going into menopause as the hormones fluctuate allowing the spinchter muscle in the esophogus to relax bringing back up acid into your throat are thus dry mouth.  So for me my dry mouth was related to acid reflux!  I was told that as soon as my hormones level off, reflux should diminish. No fun however entering this stage of our lives....
  • Posted

    Did you do testing for laryngopharyngeal reflux? It would make a lot of sense to do that. For example a pH study. It is just important to measure in the throat, not in the esophagus which is often done instead. 

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