Dry nose,mouth and skin on hands
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I seem to be suffering with a really dried up nose (no mucus there) Also the skin on my hands is terrible. I do take a good fish oil and a daily balance oil. Is this due to estrogen ?
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Jokey michelle46271
All of the above Michelle😊. Terrible trouble with sore hands, l have
to wear gloves to prepare veg and wash up ( clears up until I stop wearing
the gloves)! And a strange thing I have had rigid and brown toenails for about
10 years and I noticed the other day they are nearly normal again.
I am 56 and now postmenapausal. I am thinking this is the reason.
It's a miracle!😁😁😁
Kegel8Stephanie michelle46271
Hope this helps
lscinny1 michelle46271
Kegel8Stephanie lscinny1
Yes it will be, and remember that even though you are taking oestrogen now, you will eventually have to face menopause. HRT only delays it, it doesn't prevent menopause.
metamorphed michelle46271
michelle46271 metamorphed
Yes I'm still on HRT. It's helped the sweats,anxiety and doom and gloom. However I am still suffering with things like:
Dry nose and hands
Got osteoarthritis in my toe and finger in the last 3 months
The last 5 weeks constipation which is awful.
metamorphed michelle46271
its awful isn't it. It still takes it toll no matter what. How did they diagnose osteoarthritis michelle. I have something going on in my left lower leg and ankle. Pain which is quite sharp. I am still taking vit D3 and omega 3 but it doesn't matter. I have less symptoms than before. Anxiety is gone. Headaches are gone. Palpitations have calmed down, but still get them from time to time. Now i have overall dryness, skin, nails, mouth and eyes.
michelle46271 metamorphed
I can't remember what HRT you're on? I can't walk for too long,my big toe is stiff,aches and if I try to bend it slightly it really hurts. My finger is swollen in the joint and is bending to the side. My doctor wants me to have a cortisone injection. I'm suffering terrible dryness in my nose,mouth and hands. Last 4 weeks or so really bad constipation. It's terrible x
metamorphed michelle46271
i'm not on HRT michelle. Have you looked up too much progesterone can cause bad constipation? you might say it to your doctor. It's no win really it is!
maisie05 michelle46271
Hi Michelle.
I too have heard that omega 7 can help with dry eyes and vaginal dryness so I guess would be good for nose as well. I've just added it to my list of supplements to take!
I've been taking magnesium for about 6 weeks now, after my evening meal along with passionflower. Both are said to help promote sleep. And a bonus with the magnesium is softer stools! There are different types, I chose the chelated after watching a you tube video all about magnesium. It was amazing to hear what benefits it has. It helps with joint pain too. I think it was looloo or bobbysgirl who recommended watching it?
And I soak dried prunes in orange juice, three in the morning with breakfast helps me to 'go'.
All the things we have to put up with, there's no time to get on with our lives.
Best wishes xx
michelle46271 maisie05
Hi Masie
My doctor looked at it and mumbled something about gout but then went on and said osteoarthritis. I've just bought Omega 7 on the way home from work so I'll let you know how I get on. It cost me £24 from H&B. It is for mucus,better do something for that price! I take magnesium citrate for other things but not helped with the constipation yet xx
maisie05 michelle46271
metamorphed maisie05