Drying out herpes blisters quickly
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Hi all,
Used to quite an active member but have generally come to terms a little with my illness over the past ten months. As a back story I caught herpes off my new partner. He didn't know he had it and it was a terribly tough time. I've been through a major depressive period, but to those of you struggling, there is light at the end of the tunnel. On suppressive therapy and looking after myself I have been herpes free for about 8 months which has been awesome.
Unfortunately I've just been on holiday and got a little lazy in taking my daily tablets... And here I am. 5 days into an awful outbreak.
Has anyone got any advice on how to heal the broken sores quicker ? I've been bathing and keeping them clean, washing with soap and water and applying some witch hazel (which makes me almost pass out it hurts so much haha but I feel, no pain no gain right?) but this is dragging out now, some of the sores are still not drying and obviously it is irritated and causing me pain. Walking and sitting in my work clothes is not comfortable and I just want this to end ASAP ! I forgot how annoying the outbreaks are!!
Do any of you apply anything directly to your sores ? Bearing in mind I am female and this is already a sensitive area and I don't want to irritate myself further...
Thanks in advance for any suggestions, willing to try absolutely anything at the moment.
12 likes, 182 replies
Patient-Nat r35506
Hi r35506,
Our in-house GP has taken a look at your post and written an article about The Best Way to Get Rid of Herpes Blisters Quickly.
Have a read here: https://patient.info/health/sexually-transmitted-infections-leaflet/features/whats-the-best-way-to-treat-a-herpes-outbreak ;
feelbroken r35506
Make sure you're bathing in Epsom salt. Spray Bactine in sores to numb the pain. Double up your doses of meda until symptoms start to clear.
Inpaintothehigh feelbroken
tiana24813 Inpaintothehigh
Don't not I repeat use Epsom salt while you have a open sore it will cause so much pain and swelling because it will irritate it.
d91907 r35506
r35506 d91907
You know what, I had considered using carmex before, there's nothing like it when my lips get chapped ! But I had been cautious about using anything in the area affected by hsv. I will give it a go ! I've read about the aloe too so I will go to the shop and get some today
thanks for that!
Thanks for input feel broken but my sores were just remaining as open wounds and I have things to do (horse riding etc) which I really need the sores to scab over for, and work is an actual NIGHTMARE in my outfit with this stuff going on. I have doubled up on meds and now taking 3/4 times a day instead 1/2 times. I am getting there and it is healing as all blisters have popped (gross). Guess I just forgot how frustrating the illness was as I've not had an outbreak like this since before last Xmas
Here's hoping we get a vaccine in the next decade
jane24781 r35506
lee89684 robin_40973
Mohawkbear robin_40973
If you think doctors and nurses aren't regular people who also end up getting STDs, you're delusional. My primary care physician is HIV+, and I'm a trauma nurse who is also HIV+, so maybe you need to educate yourself before you rant on things you know nothing about.
tyrianna143 robin_40973
He said nothing about the word STD in his paragraph or her ( assuming gender here) and if the physician felt comfortable enough to tell their client that they have herpes that's fine to. Doesn't make it non existent lol.
nikki27129 robin_40973
Well clearly you're an idiot Yourself. First of all Herpes is not an actual disease it's a VIRUS. Two completely different things. And second of all just because someone has herpes does not mean they can't be a doctor.
I know a doctor as well that has herpes.
chrissy47540 robin_40973
Shut up you're rude
cece38037 robin_40973
I dont know what you are reading but there is no mention of std in this paragraph is firstly, secondly health professionals and anyone that is human can have or may have sti,std,hiv,aids or any other health problems key word is them being human they are not exempt, third your ranting telling someone else to please think and your clearly not doing do yourself, becaise you don't even have knowledge of what your talking about, you sound stupid.
nat38854 jane24781
are you on valtrax or valacyclovir
allie777 nikki27129
While you're correct, I also know doctors and nurses with Herpes. Not trying to be rude but just let you know that a virus is a type of disease... i think you may be thinking of the difference between bacterial and viral diseases which are two totally different disease processes