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HI has anyone had dry eyes mouth throat and nose with the menopause I have had this constantly since last April and vaginal dryness for 26 years?

I have many friends but none have these symptoms.

thank you Jakki x


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13 Replies

  • Posted

    These symptoms are very common with menopause.  

    I'm slightly curious why you never did anything for the vaginal dryness in 26 years.

    Apparently it doesn't cause you that much of a problem or painful sex.


    • Posted

      I have been with gu medicine since I was 28 years old I am now 56 I have  learn to over 26 years that intercourse is not part of my life unfortunately after many many hrts lubricants the new one called yes I still I have a dryness no matter what I use and cystitis along with this very painfull intercourse these new symptoms dry eyes nose mouth are new symptoms after all this time.

      Thank you for replying 


  • Posted


    I have the dry eyes (although eye test says not haha), I have suffered from the dryness on inside of nose too. I use eye drops to try and keep them wet but doesn't seem to make much difference. Sheena x

    • Posted

      Thank you for replying I use eyes drops nose spray and mouth gell I saw an optition who said II had Sjögren's syndrome  because my blood work is negative they dont think I  have that and they do not know what causing the dryness as hormones test is fine to and I must say none of it works for me either. 

      Thank you for replying x


  • Posted

    Yes I have had the dry eyes, thankfully it didnt last!
    • Posted

      Hi thank you for replying to me hopefully mine won't last long it nice to have this sight as many of my friend who are menopausal have none of this it's nice to know there are others who have these symptoms.

      thank you.

    • Posted

      Yes I know, I seem to have had a taste of every menopausal symptom going but my friends dont seem to have any x
  • Posted

    Yes I do. It comes and goes. I put a little coconut oil inside of my nose it helps. With the dry mouth, I obviously drink more water and also importantly run a humidifier when it is really bad that also helps. Sucking a sweet or chewing gum helps. I also have vaginal dryness and use coconut oil down there too. 
  • Posted

    I have the dry eyes. It comes and goes. The dry nose is new for me and it seems to happen at night. I put a little Vaseline in my nose and lubricant eye drops in my eyes.
    • Posted

      Hi thank you all for replying and  some tips I will try them.  it is frustrating for us all and when hrt is not an option to take its finding something that works for us all and that's hit and miss it's can be difficult.   I can only use hrt vaginnally  as my mother had breast cancer and only a small amount enters blood stream which is why it's used on and off. 

      The dry eye nose and mouth dryness and other dryness has been worst than hot flushes that I had years ago they were awful and I still get them on and off good luck ladies I know we will get through it but it's a journey I'm glad we only get once.

      jakki x


  • Posted

    I have dry eyes - saw eye docs (3 of them) they all said to just use over the counter drops, like tears, blink etc.  I also had horrible dry mouth and throat, went to see ENT and he told me that he wasn't my psychiatrist (in other words, its nothing).  Mine was mostly anxiety - drink a lot of water, stay away from caffeine and wine (which I wasn’t giving up).  Eventually it went away.  Good luck. 

  • Posted

    Hi Jakki,

    I have also been experiencing dryness, tried a cream for a while but i dont think i gave it long enough to see the full benefit, and I do suffer with dry eyes, i find they feel gritty and uncomfortable throughout the day but never thought anything of it to be honest. I havent been confirmed as going through the menopause, im 38 nad havent had a period for 13 months and having lots symptoms for the last 2 years plus (Night sweats mainly), just never had a blood test confirming it, i'm guessing you havent found anything to help either of these?

    Kath x

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