Dryness or something else
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Hi Ladies,
ok I'm not sure where to start with this ? I've got something going on down below that's sending my anxiety through the roof ! When I sit down I get a sensation, almost like the skin is stuck together (sorry to be graphic) it also feels slightly sharp sometimes ? Is this possibly a symptom of vaginal Atrophy or could it be prolapse ? I've tried to have a look and I can't see anything ? Some days it's less uncomfortable than others. Thanks in advance xxx
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maria76995 debbie12340
Hi Debbie, I got the dryness and I get like mine sticking together too, I think it's because your drying out but as you say it goes and comes. Ignore it till find a cream for it
debbie12340 maria76995
So grateful for your reply. It’s so comfort that you say you have the same ! I really don’t know how to describe it really ? But what I first noticed cannonky be described as if something needs realising ? At first I thought it was an air bubble ? Because when I sat down it seemed to release something . . Now I’m thinking is it the skin becoming unstuck ? I don’t know it s new to me and freaked me out a bit xx I also think the worst xx
Should have checked that before I sent it ! So many typing errors ! It should say ‘releasing’ not realising !!! Sorry hope you can make sense of it xxx
Yellow88 debbie12340
I also have an oestrogen Cream from the doc but the coconut oil really helps ‘outside’, it’s really worth a try.
Hope that helps, I learned this from a tip on this forum!
debbie12340 Yellow88
marlene21102 debbie12340
It's Av ,I've got this . Yes it's set anxiety off ,due to the sitting discomfort . Hormones doing it .
debbie12340 marlene21102
Av ? Is that Atrophy ? is that what you mean ? Driving me nuts to be honest
marlene21102 debbie12340
Yes ,there is a site purley on this AV ,many with it ,have you had any Bartholin glad probs ? Yes it drives all of us nuts ,be careful what you buy over the counter ,been there done that . It's not always best way to go ,can make problem far worse ,plus cost you a small fortune . We're all different in what to try . I've had it for 12 yrs . 2 lots of HRT but it stays .
debbie12340 marlene21102
Thank you. I’ve bought one called not sure if I can say in here ? Could you PM me if you don’t mind and let me know what’s good please ? Thanks so much Deb xxxxx
tina00239 debbie12340
debbie12340 tina00239
Deb xx
DaisyDaze debbie12340
debbie12340 DaisyDaze
Really appreciate your reply x deb x
Yellow88 debbie12340
Debbie, it feels like a paper cut does. Very sharp pain, red & sore but for me the coconut oil has really helped. Do hope it works for you.
debbie12340 Yellow88